Routino : Router for OpenStreetMap Data

Older News (pre version 2.7)

12th March 2017 - Version 3.2 of Routino released
This contains the changes that have been added to Subversion over the last year. This includes various bug fixes, more translated phrases and some web page improvements.
Full release information.
Download release files or from Subversion.
6th March 2016 - Version 3.1.1 of Routino released
Identical in function to version 3.1 but with the correct version number in the executables.
Full release information.
Download release files or from Subversion.
5th March 2016 - Version 3.1 of Routino released
Various bug fixes and improvements, default to 64-bit node IDs.
Full release information.
Download release files or from Subversion.
26th September 2015 - "Destination Access" branch
There is a beta version of Routino in subversion (on the branch called "destination-access") that allows the first and last waypoint of a route to be on highways with access="destination" or access="private". The database is not compatible with the released version of Routino. Please let me know the usefulness of this feature and whether it should be included for release.
Subversion instructions.
12th September 2015 - Version 3.0 of Routino released
A release version with the two main new features of Windows compilation and a library providing a routing API.
Full release information.
Download release files or from Subversion.
15th August 2015 - Routino Library available
A version of the Routino router has been created that compiles to a standalone library with a well-defined API so that routing can be performed from other programs. This feature can be downloaded in the latest subversion version.
Subversion instructions.
9th June 2015 - Routino now compiles on Windows
A set of changes have been added to Routino that allows it to compile on MS Windows with Cygwin, MinGW or MSVC. There are a few limitations which are described in the documentation. These changes can be downloaded in the latest subversion version.
Subversion instructions.
6th July 2015 - Polish translation available
A Polish translation of the Routino XML file (used when calculating route descriptions) and the Router and Visualiser web page are available. These were provided using the translations tool and can be downloaded in the latest subversion version.
Translation tool.
Subversion instructions.
26th April 2015 - Hungarian translation available
A Hungarian translation of the Routino XML file (used when calculating route descriptions) and the Router and Visualiser web page are available. These were provided using the translations tool and can be downloaded in the latest subversion version.
Translation tool.
Subversion instructions.
8th November 2014 - Version 2.7.3 of Routino released
Slightly reduced memory usage and large reduction in time to generate routing database on low memory systems.
Full release information.
New benchmarking for low memory.
26th June 2014 - Version 2.7.2 of Routino released
A few bug fixes for bugs introduced in version 2.7.1 on 64-bit systems.
Full release information.
17th May 2014 - Version 2.7.1 of Routino released
Lots of bug fixes, some for new bugs in v2.7 but many for older bugs. Changed the way that 'cyclebothways' is handled but this means that this version is not compatible with databases from older versions.
Full release information.
22nd March 2014 - Online translation tool available
To simplify the creation of new translated versions of the router web pages and route instructions an online tool is available to simplify their creation. If you would like to improve Routino's support for your language please join in and translate something.
Translation tool.
22nd March 2014 - Version 2.7 of Routino released
Update web page HTML for touch screens. Allow choice of either Leaflet or OpenLayers Javascript map libraries. Simplify the creation of translated web pages. Add '--output-stdout', '--reverse' & '--loop' option to router. Allow bicycles both ways on certain oneway roads if tagging allows. Fix a few small bugs and improve parsing of limits.
Full release information.
26th January 2014 - Leaflet router preview
A Leaflet version of the web pages will be included in the next release. Previews of the new Leaflet version and OpenLayers version of the updated router are available for trial.
Please report any problems - use the e-mail address at the bottom of the page.
13th January 2014 - French translations added
A French translation of the router web page and route instructions will be included in the next release. The existing router has been updated already and the two changed files can be downloaded here and here.
More translations are always welcome - use the e-mail address at the bottom of the page.
6th July 2013 - Version 2.6 of Routino released
Much faster database generation and faster routing (especially for slim mode). Simpler compile-time configuration (Makefile.conf). Improved data visualiser with access to data parsing errors and the ability to see the details of any item displayed.
Full release information.
3rd June 2013 - Linux glibc v2.16 causes Routino slow-down
Since version 2.16 of glibc the GNU C library used on Linux some floating point operations have been changed to use software instead of the FPU hardware. This slows down the Routino router by ~50%; this can be recovered by adding the -ffast-math option to the CFLAGS variable in src/Makefile.
glibc bug report and discussion.
20th April 2013 - Version 2.5.1 of Routino released
Bug fixes for XML parsing (4-byte UTF-8), XML quoting (7-bit ASCII special chars), installation documentation and routing for some special case short routes.
Full release information.
9th February 2013 - Version 2.5 of Routino released
New XML parser and PBF and O5M/O5C parsing and reading of bzip2 or gzip compressed files. More complex tag parsing configuration file options and more tags processed.
Full release information.
9th February 2013 - 32-bit nodes
The highest node identifier in the OpenStreetMap database has just passed 2147483648 (2^31) but Routino uses unsigned 32-bit integers and will continue working unchanged.
Numerical limits information.
17th December 2012 - Version 2.4.1 of Routino released
Some bug fixes, most importantly the inability to find routes that have low preferences (e.g. motorcar across ferry routes using default profile).
Full release information.
8th December 2012 - Version 2.4 of Routino released
The planetsplitter program can now append OSM change files (OSC) to an existing database. Some speed increases in planetsplitter data processing and improvements to default tag processing and error messages.
Full release information.
6th October 2012 - Version 2.3.2 of Routino released
Some routing bug fixes (barriers, oneway loops) and fix missing route instructions.
Full release information.
11th August 2012 - Version 2.3.1 of Routino released
Many bug fixes for web pages mainly related to waypoint editing.
Full release information.
Also fixed the name lookup CGI on this server.
21st July 2012 - Version 2.3 of Routino released
Mostly improvements to the web pages but also a slight decrease in database generation time and some bug fixes.
Full release information.
3rd March 2012 - Version 2.2 of Routino released
Much reduced database size by removing unneeded nodes and segments, describe roundabouts much better in routing instructions.
Full release information.
12th November 2011 - Version 2.1.2 of Routino released
Much faster routing (again), improve some translated outputs, add Russian translations.
Full release information.
23rd October 2011 - Version 2.1.1 of Routino released
Much faster routing, handle the 'except' tag of turn restrictions.
Full release information.
3rd October 2011 - Version 2.1 of Routino released
Improve the OSM parsing, include transport specific tag processing files and optionally create an error log file listing problems found during parsing.
Full release information.
4th August 2011 - Version 2.0.3 of Routino released
A bug fix release for various small routing fixes and to stop crashes on 64-bit machines.
Full release information.
26th June 2011 - Version 2.0.2 of Routino released
A bug fix release to stop crashes on 64-bit machines.
Full release information.
7th June 2011 - Version 2.0.1 of Routino released
A bug fix release to stop crashes on some invalid turn restrictions.
Full release information.
Also fix the online demonstration which stopped working at the time of the version 2.0 update.
30th May 2011 - Version 2.0 of Routino released
This version adds in handling of turn restrictions (the simplest type defined by way, node & way) as well as fixing a few bugs.
Full release information.
13th November 2010 - Version 1.5.1 of Routino released
This version fixes a few bugs that caused planetsplitter to crash for some users.
Full release information.
30th October 2010 - Translations Required
Routino is designed to allow language specific versions of the router web page as well as the files that are generated by the router. Currently there are only a small number of translations but to improve Routino we are looking for more. Any offers of translated files will be welcomed.
30th October 2010 - Version 1.5 of Routino released
The main new features in this version are the addition of routing on ferrys, recognition of barriers (node properties) and new highway properties for walking and cycling routes.
Full release information.
10th July 2010 - Version 1.4.1 of Routino released
This version fixes a few serious bugs, reduces memory usage and therefore increases routing speed.
Full release information.
21st June 2010 - This website created
All Routino data transfered across.
31st May 2010 - Version 1.4 of Routino released
The primary new features in version 1.4 are the addition of configuration files containing tagging rules, routing profiles and translations for the output files.
Full release information.
21st January 2010 - Version 1.3 of Routino released
The main focus of the version 1.3 release is adding new features like highway properties, some new transport types, start/via/end points within segments and turn instructions.
Full release information.
21st October 2009 - Version 1.2 of Routino released
The primary focus of the version 1.2 release was optimisation of routing speed and reduction in database size, there were also a small number of new features.
Full release information.
13th June 2009 - Version 1.1 of Routino released
The main changes in version 1.1 were the addition of a set of web-pages (including Javascript map using OpenLayers) to allow a Routino web-server to be configured easily.
Full release information.
8th April 2009 - Version 1.0 of Routino released
The first formal release.
Full release information.
22nd March 2009 - First announcement
Prototype, unnamed, router announced on OpenStreetMap mailing list.
First announcement.

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