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Revision 2118

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Author: amb
Date: Sun Jul 10 15:22:19 2022 UTC (2 years, 2 months ago)
Changed paths: 8
Log Message:
Merge source code changes from trunk.

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorybranches/destination-access/ modified , props changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/nodesx.c modified , text changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/prunex.c modified , text changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/relationsx.c modified , text changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/segmentsx.c modified , text changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/superx.c modified , text changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/typesx.h modified , text changed
Directorybranches/destination-access/src/waysx.c modified , text changed