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Revision 1691

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Author: amb
Date: Thu May 28 18:30:17 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago)
Changed paths: 11
Log Message:
Merge changes from trunk: "Update Makefiles ... 'make clean' goes back
to the source code in the release tar files and 'make distclean' goes
back to the source code in subversion".

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/ modified , props changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/extras/find-fixme/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/extras/tagmodifier/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/src/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/src/test/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/src/xml/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/web/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/web/www/routino/ modified , props changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/web/www/routino/router.html deleted
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/web/www/routino/visualiser.html deleted
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/xml/Makefile modified , text changed