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Revision 1687

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Author: amb
Date: Thu May 28 17:25:01 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago)
Changed paths: 6
Log Message:
Update Makefiles for compiling with MINGW to include mman-win32.o and
handle executables with .exe file extension.

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/Makefile.conf modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/extras/find-fixme/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/extras/tagmodifier/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/src/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/src/xml/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/MS-Windows/web/Makefile modified , text changed