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ViewVC logotype

Revision 1652

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Author: amb
Date: Thu May 14 17:25:25 2015 UTC (9 years, 10 months ago)
Changed paths: 7
Log Message:
Replace all arithmetic involving 'void*' pointers with 'char*' since
it isn't strictly valid although it is accepted by gcc.

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorytrunk/src/errorlog.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/files.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/nodes.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/relations.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/segments.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/sorting.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/ways.h modified , text changed