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Revision 933

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Author: amb
Date: Wed Dec 7 19:16:35 2011 UTC (13 years, 3 months ago)
Changed paths: 8
Log Message:
Move the map preferences (N/S/E/W range, zoom range and URLs) to a separate

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorytrunk/doc/INSTALL.txt modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/doc/html/installation.html modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/web/www/routino/mapprops.js added
Directorytrunk/web/www/routino/router.html.en modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/web/www/routino/ modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/web/www/routino/router.js modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/web/www/routino/visualiser.html modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/web/www/routino/visualiser.js modified , text changed