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Revision 1738

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Author: amb
Date: Thu Jul 9 19:01:12 2015 UTC (9 years, 8 months ago)
Changed paths: 5
Log Message:
Update the library and include a version of the router program that
uses the libroutino shared library for calculating routes.  Currently
generates output files of all types and accepts but ignores all
options to change this.

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorybranches/libroutino/src/ modified , props changed
Directorybranches/libroutino/src/Makefile modified , text changed
Directorybranches/libroutino/src/router+lib.c added
Directorybranches/libroutino/src/routino.c modified , text changed
Directorybranches/libroutino/src/routino.h modified , text changed