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Revision 1497

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Author: amb
Date: Mon Jan 27 19:48:26 2014 UTC (11 years, 1 month ago)
Changed paths: 9
Log Message:
Detect the "cycleway=opposite_lane" tag and allow bicycles to travel in both
directions along those highways.  Based on parts of
by Christophe Collard.

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorytrunk/doc/TAGGING.txt modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/doc/html/tagging.html modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/optimiser.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/osmparser.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/segments.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/types.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/types.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/xml/routino-profiles.xml modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/xml/routino-tagging.xml modified , text changed