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Revision 1174

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Author: amb
Date: Sat Dec 1 16:17:34 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago)
Changed paths: 12
Log Message:
Rename the Way_* enumerated values to Highway_*, add a new Highway_None type,
change the HighwayType() function to return Highway_None instead of
Highway_Count if no match found - all changes for consistency with similar types
and functions.

Changed paths

Path Details
Directorytrunk/src/filedumper.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/osmparser.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/output.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/profiles.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/profiles.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/router.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/superx.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/translations.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/translations.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/types.c modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/types.h modified , text changed
Directorytrunk/src/visualiser.c modified , text changed