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Contents of /trunk/xml/routino-translations.xml

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Revision 1731 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Mon Jul 6 17:32:24 2015 UTC (9 years, 8 months ago) by amb
File MIME type: application/xml
File size: 35112 byte(s)
Added Polish version of translations (submitted through

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <!-- ============================================================
4 An XML format file containing Routino output translations.
6 Part of the Routino routing software.
7 ============================================================
8 This file Copyright 2010-2014 Andrew M. Bishop
10 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
12 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 (at your option) any later version.
14 ============================================================ -->
16 <routino-translations xmlns:xsi=""
17 xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
19 <language lang="en">
21 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
22 <copyright>
23 <creator string="Creator" text="Routino -" />
24 <source string="Source" text="Based on OpenStreetMap data from" />
25 <license string="License" text="" />
26 </copyright>
28 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
29 <turn direction="-4" string="Very sharp left" />
30 <turn direction="-3" string="Sharp left" />
31 <turn direction="-2" string="Left" />
32 <turn direction="-1" string="Slight left" />
33 <turn direction="0" string="Straight on" />
34 <turn direction="1" string="Slight right" />
35 <turn direction="2" string="Right" />
36 <turn direction="3" string="Sharp right" />
37 <turn direction="4" string="Very sharp right" />
39 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
40 <heading direction="-4" string="South" />
41 <heading direction="-3" string="South-West" />
42 <heading direction="-2" string="West" />
43 <heading direction="-1" string="North-West" />
44 <heading direction="0" string="North" />
45 <heading direction="1" string="North-East" />
46 <heading direction="2" string="East" />
47 <heading direction="3" string="South-East" />
48 <heading direction="4" string="South" />
50 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
51 <ordinal number="1" string="First" />
52 <ordinal number="2" string="Second" />
53 <ordinal number="3" string="Third" />
54 <ordinal number="4" string="Fourth" />
55 <ordinal number="5" string="Fifth" />
56 <ordinal number="6" string="Sixth" />
57 <ordinal number="7" string="Seventh" />
58 <ordinal number="8" string="Eighth" />
59 <ordinal number="9" string="Ninth" />
60 <ordinal number="10" string="Tenth" />
62 <!-- Highway names -->
63 <highway type="motorway" string="motorway" />
64 <highway type="trunk" string="trunk road" />
65 <highway type="primary" string="primary road" />
66 <highway type="secondary" string="secondary road" />
67 <highway type="tertiary" string="tertiary road" />
68 <highway type="unclassified" string="unclassified road" />
69 <highway type="residential" string="residential road" />
70 <highway type="service" string="service road" />
71 <highway type="track" string="track" />
72 <highway type="cycleway" string="cycleway" />
73 <highway type="path" string="path" />
74 <highway type="steps" string="steps" />
75 <highway type="ferry" string="ferry" />
77 <!-- The type of route -->
78 <route type="shortest" string="Shortest" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
79 <route type="quickest" string="Quickest" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
81 <!-- HTML output -->
82 <output-html>
83 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="Waypoint" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
84 <waypoint type="junction" string="Junction" /> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
85 <waypoint type="roundabout" string="Roundabout" /> <!-- For roundabouts -->
87 <title text="%s Route" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
89 <start string="Start" text="At %s, head %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
90 <node string="At" text="%s, go %s heading %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
91 <rbnode string="Leave" text="%s, take the %s exit heading %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
92 <segment string="Follow" text="%s for %.3f km, %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
93 <stop string="Stop" text="At %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
94 <total string="Total" text="%.1f km, %.0f minutes" />
95 </output-html>
97 <!-- GPX output -->
98 <output-gpx>
99 <waypoint type="start" string="START" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
100 <waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" /> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
101 <waypoint type="trip" string="TRIP" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
102 <waypoint type="finish" string="FINISH"/> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
104 <desc text="%s route between 'start' and 'finish' waypoints" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
105 <name text="%s route" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
106 <step text="%s on '%s' for %.3f km, %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
107 <final text="Total Journey %.1f km, %.0f minutes" />
108 </output-gpx>
110 </language>
112 <language lang="de">
114 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
115 <copyright>
116 <creator string="Urheber" text="Routino -" />
117 <source string="Quelle" text="Basierend auf OpenStreetMap-Daten, erhältlich via" />
118 <license string="Lizenz" text="" />
119 </copyright>
121 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
122 <turn direction="-4" string="Sehr scharf links" />
123 <turn direction="-3" string="Scharf links" />
124 <turn direction="-2" string="Links" />
125 <turn direction="-1" string="Halb links" />
126 <turn direction="0" string="Geradeaus" />
127 <turn direction="1" string="Halb rechts" />
128 <turn direction="2" string="Rechts" />
129 <turn direction="3" string="Scharf rechts" />
130 <turn direction="4" string="Sehr scharf rechts" />
132 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
133 <heading direction="-4" string="Süd" />
134 <heading direction="-3" string="Süd-West" />
135 <heading direction="-2" string="West" />
136 <heading direction="-1" string="Nord-West" />
137 <heading direction="0" string="Nord" />
138 <heading direction="1" string="Nord-Ost" />
139 <heading direction="2" string="Ost" />
140 <heading direction="3" string="Süd-Ost" />
141 <heading direction="4" string="Süd" />
143 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
144 <ordinal number="1" string="Erste" />
145 <ordinal number="2" string="Zweite" />
146 <ordinal number="3" string="Dritte" />
147 <ordinal number="4" string="Vierte" />
148 <ordinal number="5" string="Fünfte" />
149 <ordinal number="6" string="Sechste" />
150 <ordinal number="7" string="Siebte" />
151 <ordinal number="8" string="Achte" />
152 <ordinal number="9" string="Neunte" />
153 <ordinal number="10" string="Zehnte" />
155 <!-- Highway names -->
156 <highway type="motorway" string="Autobahn" />
157 <highway type="trunk" string="Schnellstraße" />
158 <highway type="primary" string="Bundesstraße" />
159 <highway type="secondary" string="Landesstraße" />
160 <highway type="tertiary" string="Kreisstraße" />
161 <highway type="unclassified" string="Nebenstraße" />
162 <highway type="residential" string="Wohngebietsstraße" />
163 <highway type="service" string="Erschließungsweg" />
164 <highway type="track" string="Feld-/Waldweg" />
165 <highway type="cycleway" string="Radweg" />
166 <highway type="path" string="Weg/Pfad" />
167 <highway type="steps" string="Treppe" />
168 <highway type="ferry" string="Fähre" />
170 <!-- The type of route -->
171 <route type="shortest" string="Kürzeste" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
172 <route type="quickest" string="Schnellste" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
174 <!-- HTML output -->
175 <output-html>
176 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="Wegpunkt" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
177 <waypoint type="junction" string="Anschlussstelle" /> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
178 <waypoint type="roundabout" string="Kreisverkehr" /> <!-- For roundabouts -->
180 <title text="%s Route" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
182 <start string="Start" text="Bei %s halten Sie sich Richtung %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
183 <node string="Bei" text="Bei %s wenden Sie sich nach %s Richtung %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
184 <rbnode string="Verlassen Sie" text="%s, nehmen Sie die %s Ausfahrt Richtung %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
185 <segment string="Folgen" text="Folgen Sie der %s für %.3f km bzw. %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
186 <stop string="Stop" text="Sie sind bei %s angekommen" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
187 <total string="Gesamt" text="%.1f km, %.0f minuten" />
188 </output-html>
190 <!-- GPX output -->
191 <output-gpx>
192 <waypoint type="start" string="START" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
193 <waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" /> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
194 <waypoint type="trip" string="TRIP" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
195 <waypoint type="finish" string="FINISH"/> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
197 <desc text="%s Strecke zwischen 'Start' und 'Ziel'" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
198 <name text="%s Strecke" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
199 <step text="%s auf '%s' für %.3f km, %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
200 <final text="Gesamtstrecke %.1f km, %.0f minuten" />
201 </output-gpx>
203 </language>
205 <language lang="fr">
207 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
208 <copyright>
209 <creator string="Créateur" text="Routino -" />
210 <source string="Source" text="Basé sur les données OpenStreetMap de" />
211 <license string="License" text="" />
212 </copyright>
214 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
215 <turn direction="-4" string="demi-tour à gauche" />
216 <turn direction="-3" string="Très à gauche" />
217 <turn direction="-2" string="à gauche" />
218 <turn direction="-1" string="Légèrement à gauche" />
219 <turn direction="0" string="Tout droit" />
220 <turn direction="1" string="légèrement à droite" />
221 <turn direction="2" string="à droite" />
222 <turn direction="3" string="très à droite" />
223 <turn direction="4" string="demi-tour à droite" />
225 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
226 <heading direction="-4" string="Sud" />
227 <heading direction="-3" string="Dud-Ouest" />
228 <heading direction="-2" string="Ouest" />
229 <heading direction="-1" string="Nord-Ouest" />
230 <heading direction="0" string="Nord" />
231 <heading direction="1" string="Nord-Est" />
232 <heading direction="2" string="Est" />
233 <heading direction="3" string="Sud-Est" />
234 <heading direction="4" string="Sud" />
236 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
237 <ordinal number="1" string="Premier" />
238 <ordinal number="2" string="Second" />
239 <ordinal number="3" string="Troisième" />
240 <ordinal number="4" string="Quatrième" />
241 <ordinal number="5" string="Cinquième" />
242 <ordinal number="6" string="Sixième" />
243 <ordinal number="7" string="Septième" />
244 <ordinal number="8" string="huitième" />
245 <ordinal number="9" string="Neuvième" />
246 <ordinal number="10" string="Dixième" />
248 <!-- Highway names -->
249 <highway type="motorway" string="autoroute" />
250 <highway type="trunk" string="route de jonction" />
251 <highway type="primary" string="route nationale" />
252 <highway type="secondary" string="route départementale" />
253 <highway type="tertiary" string="route locale" />
254 <highway type="unclassified" string="route non classifiée" />
255 <highway type="residential" string="rue résidentielle" />
256 <highway type="service" string="rue de service" />
257 <highway type="track" string="chemin" />
258 <highway type="cycleway" string="voie cyclable" />
259 <highway type="path" string="sentier" />
260 <highway type="steps" string="escalier" />
261 <highway type="ferry" string="ferry" />
263 <!-- The type of route -->
264 <route type="shortest" string="le plus court" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
265 <route type="quickest" string="le plus rapide" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
267 <!-- HTML output -->
268 <output-html>
269 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="Etape" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
270 <waypoint type="junction" string="Croisement" /> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
271 <waypoint type="roundabout" string="rond-point" /> <!-- For roundabouts -->
273 <title text="Itinéraire %s" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
275 <start string="Débute" text="à %s, direction %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
276 <node string="à" text="%s, aller %s direction %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
277 <rbnode string="Quitter" text="%s, prendre le %s sortir direction %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
278 <segment string="Suivre" text="%s pendant %.3f km, %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
279 <stop string="S'arrêter" text="à %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
280 <total string="Total" text="%.1f km, %.0f minutes" />
281 </output-html>
283 <!-- GPX output -->
284 <output-gpx>
285 <waypoint type="start" string="DEBUT" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
286 <waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" /> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
287 <waypoint type="trip" string="POINT" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
288 <waypoint type="finish" string="FINAL"/> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
290 <desc text="Itinéraire %s entre les étapes 'début' et 'fin'" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
291 <name text="Itinéraire %s" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
292 <step text="%s sur '%s' pendant %.3f km, %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
293 <final text="Trajet total %.1f km, %.0f minutes" />
294 </output-gpx>
296 </language>
298 <language lang="hu">
300 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
301 <copyright>
302 <creator string="Készítő" text="Routino -" />
303 <source string="Forrás" text="Openstreetmap adatok alapján" />
304 <license string="Liszenc" text="" />
305 </copyright>
307 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
308 <turn direction="-4" string="Nagyon élesen balra" />
309 <turn direction="-3" string="Élesen balra" />
310 <turn direction="-2" string="Balra" />
311 <turn direction="-1" string="Balra tarts" />
312 <turn direction="0" string="Egyenesen" />
313 <turn direction="1" string="Jobbra tarts" />
314 <turn direction="2" string="Jobbra" />
315 <turn direction="3" string="Élesen jobbra" />
316 <turn direction="4" string="Nagyon élesen jobbra" />
318 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
319 <heading direction="-4" string="dél" />
320 <heading direction="-3" string="délnyugat" />
321 <heading direction="-2" string="nyugat" />
322 <heading direction="-1" string="északnyugat" />
323 <heading direction="0" string="észak" />
324 <heading direction="1" string="északkelet" />
325 <heading direction="2" string="kelet" />
326 <heading direction="3" string="délkelet" />
327 <heading direction="4" string="dél" />
329 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
330 <ordinal number="1" string="első" />
331 <ordinal number="2" string="második" />
332 <ordinal number="3" string="harmadik" />
333 <ordinal number="4" string="negyedik" />
334 <ordinal number="5" string="ötödik" />
335 <ordinal number="6" string="hatodik" />
336 <ordinal number="7" string="hetedik" />
337 <ordinal number="8" string="nyolcadik" />
338 <ordinal number="9" string="kilencedik" />
339 <ordinal number="10" string="tizedik" />
341 <!-- Highway names -->
342 <highway type="motorway" string="autópálya" />
343 <highway type="trunk" string="autóút" />
344 <highway type="primary" string="főút" />
345 <highway type="secondary" string="összekötőút" />
346 <highway type="tertiary" string="bekötőút" />
347 <highway type="unclassified" string="egyéb közút" />
348 <highway type="residential" string="lakóút" />
349 <highway type="service" string="szervízút" />
350 <highway type="track" string="földút" />
351 <highway type="cycleway" string="kerékpárút" />
352 <highway type="path" string="ösvény" />
353 <highway type="steps" string="lépcső" />
354 <highway type="ferry" string="komp" />
356 <!-- The type of route -->
357 <route type="shortest" string="Legrövidebb" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
358 <route type="quickest" string="Leggyorsabb" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
360 <!-- HTML output -->
361 <output-html>
362 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="Útpont" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
363 <waypoint type="junction" string="Kereszteződés" /> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
364 <waypoint type="roundabout" string="Körforgalom" /> <!-- For roundabouts -->
366 <title text="%s útvonal" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
368 <start string="Indulás" text="%s, %s felé" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
369 <node string="Itt" text="%s, menj %s %s felé" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
370 <rbnode string="Kijárat" text="%s, %s kijárat %s felé" /> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
371 <segment string="Erre" text="%s, %.3f km, %.1f perc" /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
372 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: stop string="Cél" text="At %s" / --> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
373 <total string="Összesen" text="%.1f km, %.0f perc" />
374 </output-html>
376 <!-- GPX output -->
377 <output-gpx>
378 <waypoint type="start" string="Indulás" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
379 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" / --> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
380 <waypoint type="trip" string="Utazás" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
381 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: waypoint type="finish" string="FINISH"/ --> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
383 <desc text="%s útvonal a kezdő és utolsó pont között" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
384 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: name text="%s route" / --> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
385 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: step text="%s on '%s' for %.3f km, %.1f min" / --> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
386 <final text="Az egész út %.1f km, %.0f perc" />
387 </output-gpx>
389 </language>
391 <language lang="nl">
393 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
394 <copyright>
395 <creator string="Creator" text="Routino -" />
396 <source string="Source" text="Gebouwd op OpenStreetMap data van" />
397 <license string="License" text="" />
398 </copyright>
400 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
401 <turn direction="-4" string="Haarspeld naar links" />
402 <turn direction="-3" string="Scherp links" />
403 <turn direction="-2" string="Links" />
404 <turn direction="-1" string="Half links" />
405 <turn direction="0" string="Rechtdoor" />
406 <turn direction="1" string="Half rechts" />
407 <turn direction="2" string="Rechts" />
408 <turn direction="3" string="Scherp rechts" />
409 <turn direction="4" string="Haarspeld naar rechts" />
411 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
412 <heading direction="-4" string="Zuid" />
413 <heading direction="-3" string="Zuid-West" />
414 <heading direction="-2" string="West" />
415 <heading direction="-1" string="Noord-West" />
416 <heading direction="0" string="Noord" />
417 <heading direction="1" string="Noord-Oost" />
418 <heading direction="2" string="Oost" />
419 <heading direction="3" string="Zuid-Oost" />
420 <heading direction="4" string="Zuid" />
422 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
423 <ordinal number="1" string="Eerste" />
424 <ordinal number="2" string="Tweede" />
425 <ordinal number="3" string="Derde" />
426 <ordinal number="4" string="Vierde" />
427 <ordinal number="5" string="Vijfde" />
428 <ordinal number="6" string="Zesde" />
429 <ordinal number="7" string="Zevende" />
430 <ordinal number="8" string="Achtste" />
431 <ordinal number="9" string="Negende" />
432 <ordinal number="10" string="Tiende" />
434 <!-- Highway names -->
435 <highway type="motorway" string="Autostrade" />
436 <highway type="trunk" string="Autoweg" />
437 <highway type="primary" string="Provinciale weg" />
438 <highway type="secondary" string="Nationale weg" />
439 <highway type="tertiary" string="Doorgangsweg" />
440 <highway type="unclassified" string="Niet geclassificeerd" />
441 <highway type="residential" string="Woongebied" />
442 <highway type="service" string="Toegangsweg" />
443 <highway type="track" string="Veldweg" />
444 <highway type="cycleway" string="Fietspad" />
445 <highway type="path" string="Pad" />
446 <highway type="steps" string="Trap" />
447 <highway type="ferry" string="Veerboot" />
449 <!-- The type of route -->
450 <route type="shortest" string="Kortste" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
451 <route type="quickest" string="Snelste" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
453 <!-- HTML output -->
454 <output-html>
455 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="Punt" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
456 <waypoint type="junction" string="de splitsing" /> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
457 <waypoint type="roundabout" string="rotonde" /> <!-- For roundabouts -->
459 <title text="%s Route" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
461 <start string="Start" text="Bij %s neemt u de richting %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
462 <node string="Bij" text="Bij %s gaat u %s richting %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
463 <rbnode string="Leave" text="Aan de %s, neem de %s afslag richting %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
464 <segment string="Volg" text="Volgt u de %s voor %.3f km %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
465 <stop string="Stop" text="U bent bij %s aangekomen" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
466 <total string="Totaal" text="%.1f km, %.0f minuten" />
467 </output-html>
469 <!-- GPX output -->
470 <output-gpx>
471 <waypoint type="start" string="START" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
472 <waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" /> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
473 <waypoint type="trip" string="TRIP" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
474 <waypoint type="finish" string="FINISH"/> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
476 <desc text="%s Route tussen 'Start' und 'Finish'" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
477 <name text="%s Route" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
478 <step text="%s op '%s' voor %.3f km, %.1f min" /> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
479 <final text="Totaal trip %.1f km, %.0f minuten" />
480 </output-gpx>
482 </language>
484 <language lang="pl">
486 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
487 <copyright>
488 <creator string="Twórca" text="Routino -" />
489 <source string="Źródło" text="Oparte na danych OpenStreetMap ze strony" />
490 <license string="Licencja" text="" />
491 </copyright>
493 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
494 <turn direction="-4" string="Bardzo ostro w lewo" />
495 <turn direction="-3" string="Ostro w lewo" />
496 <turn direction="-2" string="W lewo" />
497 <turn direction="-1" string="Lekko w lewo" />
498 <turn direction="0" string="Prosto" />
499 <turn direction="1" string="Lekko w prawo" />
500 <turn direction="2" string="W prawo" />
501 <turn direction="3" string="Ostro w prawo" />
502 <turn direction="4" string="Bardzo ostro w prawo" />
504 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
505 <heading direction="-4" string="Na południe" />
506 <heading direction="-3" string="Na południowy zachód" />
507 <heading direction="-2" string="Na zachód" />
508 <heading direction="-1" string="Na północny zachód" />
509 <heading direction="0" string="Na północ" />
510 <heading direction="1" string="Na północny wschód" />
511 <heading direction="2" string="Na wschód" />
512 <heading direction="3" string="Na południowy wschód" />
513 <heading direction="4" string="Na południe" />
515 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
516 <ordinal number="1" string="Pierwszy" />
517 <ordinal number="2" string="Drugi" />
518 <ordinal number="3" string="Trzeci" />
519 <ordinal number="4" string="Czwarty" />
520 <ordinal number="5" string="Piąty" />
521 <ordinal number="6" string="Szósty" />
522 <ordinal number="7" string="Siódmy" />
523 <ordinal number="8" string="Ósmy" />
524 <ordinal number="9" string="Dziewiąty" />
525 <ordinal number="10" string="Dziesiąty" />
527 <!-- Highway names -->
528 <highway type="motorway" string="Autostrada" />
529 <highway type="trunk" string="Droga ekspresowa" />
530 <highway type="primary" string="Droga krajowa" />
531 <highway type="secondary" string="Droga powiatowa" />
532 <highway type="tertiary" string="Droga lokalna" />
533 <highway type="unclassified" string="Droga nieznanego typu" />
534 <highway type="residential" string="Droga osiedlowa" />
535 <highway type="service" string="Droga dojazdowa" />
536 <highway type="track" string="Droga polna" />
537 <highway type="cycleway" string="Droga rowerowa" />
538 <highway type="path" string="Ścieżka" />
539 <highway type="steps" string="Pieszo" />
540 <highway type="ferry" string="Prom" />
542 <!-- The type of route -->
543 <route type="shortest" string="Najkrótsza" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
544 <route type="quickest" string="Najszybsza" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
546 <!-- HTML output -->
547 <output-html>
548 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="Punkt" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
549 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: waypoint type="junction" string="Junction" / --> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
550 <waypoint type="roundabout" string="Rondo" /> <!-- For roundabouts -->
552 <title text="%s Trasa" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
554 <start string="Start" text="%s kieruj się na %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
555 <node string="Na" text="%s poruszaj się %s na" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
556 <rbnode string="Opóść" text="Na rondzie %s, %s zjazd kierując się na" /> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
557 <segment string="Podążaj" text="%s przez %.3f km, %.1f min." /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
558 <stop string="Stop" text="Na %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
559 <total string="Całkowity" text="%.1f km, %.0f min." />
560 </output-html>
562 <!-- GPX output -->
563 <output-gpx>
564 <waypoint type="start" string="START" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
565 <waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" /> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
566 <waypoint type="trip" string="TRIP" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
567 <waypoint type="finish" string="KONIEC"/> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
569 <desc text="%s trasa pomiędzy 'start' a 'koniec'" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
570 <name text="%s trasa" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
571 <step text="%s na %s przez %.3f km, %.1f min." /> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
572 <final text="Całkowita podróż %.1f km, %.0f min." />
573 </output-gpx>
575 </language>
577 <language lang="ru">
579 <!-- Copyright of the data being routed, not of this file -->
580 <copyright>
581 <creator string="Автор" text="Routino -" />
582 <source string="Источник" text="Использованы данные OpenStreetMap" />
583 <license string="Лицензия" text="" />
584 </copyright>
586 <!-- Turn directions, 0 = ahead, -2 = left, +/-4 = behind, +2 = right -->
587 <turn direction="-4" string="очень крутой поворот налево" />
588 <turn direction="-3" string="крутой поворот налево" />
589 <turn direction="-2" string="налево" />
590 <turn direction="-1" string="плавно налево" />
591 <turn direction="0" string="прямо" />
592 <turn direction="1" string="плавно направо" />
593 <turn direction="2" string="направо" />
594 <turn direction="3" string="крутой поворот направо" />
595 <turn direction="4" string="очень крутой поворот направо" />
597 <!-- Heading directions, 0 = North, -2 = West, +/-4 = South, +2 = East -->
598 <heading direction="-4" string="юг" />
599 <heading direction="-3" string="юго-запад" />
600 <heading direction="-2" string="запад" />
601 <heading direction="-1" string="северо-запад" />
602 <heading direction="0" string="север" />
603 <heading direction="1" string="северо-восток" />
604 <heading direction="2" string="восток" />
605 <heading direction="3" string="юго-восток" />
606 <heading direction="4" string="юг" />
608 <!-- Ordinals, 1 = first, 2 = second ... -->
609 <ordinal number="1" string="Первый" />
610 <ordinal number="2" string="Второй" />
611 <ordinal number="3" string="Третий" />
612 <ordinal number="4" string="Четвертый" />
613 <ordinal number="5" string="Пятый" />
614 <ordinal number="6" string="Шестой" />
615 <ordinal number="7" string="Седьмой" />
616 <ordinal number="8" string="Восьмой" />
617 <ordinal number="9" string="Девятый" />
618 <ordinal number="10" string="Десятый" />
620 <!-- Highway names -->
621 <highway type="motorway" string="автомагистраль" />
622 <highway type="trunk" string="международная трасса" />
623 <highway type="primary" string="дорога регионального значения" />
624 <highway type="secondary" string="дорога областного значения" />
625 <highway type="tertiary" string="дорога районного значения" />
626 <highway type="unclassified" string="дорога местного значения" />
627 <highway type="residential" string="улица" />
628 <highway type="service" string="проезд" />
629 <highway type="track" string="дорога с/х назначения" />
630 <highway type="cycleway" string="велодорожка" />
631 <highway type="path" string="тропинка" />
632 <highway type="steps" string="лестница" />
633 <highway type="ferry" string="паром" />
635 <!-- The type of route -->
636 <route type="shortest" string="Короткий" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
637 <route type="quickest" string="Быстрый" /> <!-- For the description and route name -->
639 <!-- HTML output -->
640 <output-html>
641 <waypoint type="waypoint" string="путевая точка" /> <!-- For the chosen waypoints -->
642 <waypoint type="junction" string="перекрестке" /> <!-- For the interesting junctions -->
643 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: waypoint type="roundabout" string="Roundabout" / --> <!-- For roundabouts -->
645 <title text="%s маршрут" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
647 <start string="Старт" text=" %s, на %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [heading] -->
648 <node string="на" text="%s, %s, на %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction], 2nd %s = [turn], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
649 <!-- TRANSLATION REQUIRED: rbnode string="Покинуть" text="%s, take the %s exit heading %s" / --> <!-- 1st %s = [roundabout], 2nd %s = [first|second|...], 3rd %s = [heading] -->
650 <segment string="Следуйте" text="по %s %.3f км, %.1f мин" /> <!-- 1st %s = street name -->
651 <stop string="Стоп" text=" %s" /> <!-- 1st %s = [waypoint|junction] -->
652 <total string="Всего" text="%.1f км, %.0f минут" />
653 </output-html>
655 <!-- GPX output -->
656 <output-gpx>
657 <waypoint type="start" string="Старт" /> <!-- For the first route waypoint -->
658 <waypoint type="inter" string="INTER" /> <!-- For the intermediate route waypoints -->
659 <waypoint type="trip" string="TRIP" /> <!-- For the other route points -->
660 <waypoint type="finish" string="Финиш"/> <!-- For the last route waypoint -->
662 <desc text="%s маршрут от 'Старта' до 'Финиша'" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
663 <name text="%s маршрут" /> <!-- %s = [shortest|quickest] -->
664 <step text="на %s по '%s' %.3f км, %.1f мин" /> <!-- 1st %s = [turn], 2nd %s = street name -->
665 <final text="Всего - %.1f км, продолжительность - %.0f минут" />
666 </output-gpx>
668 </language>
670 </routino-translations>


Name Value
cvs:description Routino translations.