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Contents of /trunk/web/www/routino/router.html.en

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Revision 1486 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Jan 11 14:50:17 2014 UTC (11 years, 2 months ago) by amb
File size: 27759 byte(s)
Update the web page URLs as things change rather than using on(focus|click)
action handlers in the HTML that don't work very well.

1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
2 <html>
4 <head>
5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
6 <meta name="keywords" content="openstreetmap routing route planner">
7 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
9 <title>Routino : Route Planner for OpenStreetMap Data</title>
11 <!--
12 Routino router web page.
14 Part of the Routino routing software.
16 This file Copyright 2008-2014 Andrew M. Bishop
18 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
19 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
20 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
21 (at your option) any later version.
23 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
28 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
29 along with this program. If not, see
30 -->
32 <!-- OpenLayers Javascript library -->
33 <script src="../openlayers/OpenLayers.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
35 <!-- Page elements -->
36 <script src="page-elements.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
37 <link href="page-elements.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
39 <!-- Router and visualiser shared features -->
40 <link href="maplayout.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
42 <!-- Router specific features -->
43 <script src="profiles.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
44 <script src="mapprops.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
45 <script src="router.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
46 <link href="router.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
47 </head>
49 <body onload="html_init();map_init();form_init();">
51 <!-- Left hand side of window - data panel -->
53 <div class="left_panel">
55 <div class="tab_box">
56 <span id="tab_options" onclick="tab_select('options');" class="tab_selected" title="Set routing options">Options</span>
57 <span id="tab_results" onclick="tab_select('results');" class="tab_unselected" title="See routing results">Results</span>
58 <span id="tab_data" onclick="tab_select('data');" class="tab_unselected" title="View database information">Data</span>
59 </div>
61 <div class="tab_content" id="tab_options_div">
63 <form name="form" id="form" action="#" method="get" onsubmit="return false;">
64 <div class="hideshow_box">
65 <span class="hideshow_title">Routino OpenStreetMap Router</span>
66 This web page allows routing within the data collected by OpenStreetMap.
67 Select start and end points (click on the marker icons below), select routing preferences then find a route.
68 <div class="center">
69 <a target="other" href="">Routino Website</a>
70 |
71 <a target="other" href="documentation/">Documentation</a>
72 </div>
73 </div>
75 <div class="hideshow_box">
76 <span id="hideshow_language_show" onclick="hideshow_show('language');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
77 <span id="hideshow_language_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('language');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
78 <span class="hideshow_title">Language</span>
80 <!-- Note for translations: Only this HTML file needs to be translated, the Javascript has
81 no language specific information in it. Only the body text and title attributes should
82 be changed, the values passed to the JavaScript and the element names must not be changed.
83 The selection below changes the language option passed to the router and selects the
84 output language not the web page language, the links are for that. The router itself uses
85 the translations.xml file for the translated versions of the output. -->
87 <div id="hideshow_language_div" style="display: none;">
88 <table>
89 <tr>
90 <td><a id="lang_en_url" href="router.html.en" title="English language web page">English</a>
91 <td>(EN)
92 <td><input name="language" type="radio" value="en" onchange="formSetLanguage();" checked>
93 <tr>
94 <td><a id="lang_de_url" href="" title="Deutsche Webseite">German</a>
95 <td>(DE)
96 <td><input name="language" type="radio" value="de" onchange="formSetLanguage();">
97 <tr>
98 <td><a id="lang_nl_url" href="" title="Dutch language web page">Dutch</a>
99 <td>(NL)
100 <td><input name="language" type="radio" value="nl" onchange="formSetLanguage();">
101 <tr>
102 <td>Russian
103 <td>(RU)
104 <td><input name="language" type="radio" value="ru" onchange="formSetLanguage();">
105 </table>
106 </div>
107 </div>
109 <div class="hideshow_box">
110 <span id="hideshow_waypoint_show" onclick="hideshow_show('waypoint');" class="hideshow_hide">+</span>
111 <span id="hideshow_waypoint_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('waypoint');" class="hideshow_show">-</span>
112 <span class="hideshow_title">Waypoints</span>
113 <div id="hideshow_waypoint_div">
114 <table id="waypoints">
115 <colgroup>
116 <col style="width: 22px;">
117 <col>
118 <col style="width: 76px;">
119 </colgroup>
120 <tr id="waypointXXX" style="display: none;">
121 <td>
122 <img id="iconXXX" src="icons/marker-XXX-grey.png" title="Waypoint XXX Position - (click to add/remove on map)" alt="Waypoint XXX" onmousedown="markerToggleMap(XXX);">
123 <td>
124 <span id="coordsXXX">
125 <input name="lonXXX" type="text" size="7" title="Waypoint XXX Longitude" onchange="formSetCoords(XXX);">E
126 <input name="latXXX" type="text" size="7" title="Waypoint XXX Latitude" onchange="formSetCoords(XXX);">N
127 </span>
128 <span id="searchXXX" style="display: none;">
129 <input name="searchXXX" type="text" size="18" title="Waypoint XXX Location"> <!-- uses Javascript event for triggering -->
130 </span>
131 <td>
132 <img alt="?" src="icons/waypoint-search.png" title="Search for location" onmousedown="markerSearch(XXX);" >
133 <img alt="G" src="icons/waypoint-locate.png" title="Get current location" onmousedown="markerLocate(XXX);" >
134 <img alt="O" src="icons/waypoint-recentre.png" title="Centre map on this waypoint" onmousedown="markerRecentre(XXX);">
135 <img alt="^" src="icons/waypoint-up.png" title="Move this waypoint up" onmousedown="markerMoveUp(XXX);" >
136 <img alt="+" src="icons/waypoint-add.png" title="Add waypoint after this one" onmousedown="markerAddAfter(XXX);">
137 <br>
138 <img alt="#" src="icons/waypoint-coords.png" title="Coordinates for location" onmousedown="markerCoords(XXX);" >
139 <img alt="~" src="icons/waypoint-home.png" title="Toggle as home location" onmousedown="markerHome(XXX);" >
140 <img alt="o" src="icons/waypoint-centre.png" title="Centre this waypoint on map" onmousedown="markerCentre(XXX);" >
141 <img alt="v" src="icons/waypoint-down.png" title="Move this waypoint down" onmousedown="markerMoveDown(XXX);">
142 <img alt="-" src="icons/waypoint-remove.png" title="Remove this waypoint" onmousedown="markerRemove(XXX);" >
143 <tr id="searchresultsXXX" style="display: none;">
144 <td colspan="3">
145 <!-- The waypoints are inserted by the JavaScript, see the "maxmarkers" variable in router.js. -->
146 <tr>
147 <td colspan="3" class="center">
148 <input type="button" title="Reverse order of waypoints" value="Reverse order" onmousedown="markersReverse();">
149 <input type="button" title="Add a new waypoint to make a loop" value="Close loop" onmousedown="markersLoop();">
150 </table>
151 </div>
152 </div>
154 <div class="hideshow_box">
155 <span id="hideshow_transport_show" onclick="hideshow_show('transport');" class="hideshow_hide">+</span>
156 <span id="hideshow_transport_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('transport');" class="hideshow_show">-</span>
157 <span class="hideshow_title">Transport Type</span>
158 <div id="hideshow_transport_div">
159 <table>
160 <tr><td>Foot <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="foot" onchange="formSetTransport('foot' );">
161 <tr><td>Horse <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="horse" onchange="formSetTransport('horse' );">
162 <tr><td>Wheelchair<td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="wheelchair" onchange="formSetTransport('wheelchair');">
163 <tr><td>Bicycle <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="bicycle" onchange="formSetTransport('bicycle' );">
164 <tr><td>Moped <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="moped" onchange="formSetTransport('moped' );">
165 <tr><td>Motorcycle<td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="motorcycle" onchange="formSetTransport('motorcycle');">
166 <tr><td>Motorcar <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="motorcar" onchange="formSetTransport('motorcar' );">
167 <tr><td>Goods <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="goods" onchange="formSetTransport('goods' );">
168 <tr><td>HGV <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="hgv" onchange="formSetTransport('hgv' );">
169 <tr><td>PSV <td><input name="transport" type="radio" value="psv" onchange="formSetTransport('psv' );">
170 </table>
171 </div>
172 </div>
174 <div class="hideshow_box">
175 <span id="hideshow_highway_show" onclick="hideshow_show('highway');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
176 <span id="hideshow_highway_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('highway');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
177 <span class="hideshow_title">Highway Preferences</span>
178 <div id="hideshow_highway_div" style="display: none;">
179 <table>
180 <tr><td>Motorway: <td><input name="highway-motorway" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('motorway' );"><td>%
181 <tr><td>Trunk: <td><input name="highway-trunk" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('trunk' );"><td>%
182 <tr><td>Primary: <td><input name="highway-primary" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('primary' );"><td>%
183 <tr><td>Secondary: <td><input name="highway-secondary" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('secondary' );"><td>%
184 <tr><td>Tertiary: <td><input name="highway-tertiary" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('tertiary' );"><td>%
185 <tr><td>Unclassified:<td><input name="highway-unclassified" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('unclassified');"><td>%
186 <tr><td>Residential: <td><input name="highway-residential" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('residential' );"><td>%
187 <tr><td>Service: <td><input name="highway-service" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('service' );"><td>%
188 <tr><td>Track: <td><input name="highway-track" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('track' );"><td>%
189 <tr><td>Cycleway: <td><input name="highway-cycleway" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('cycleway' );"><td>%
190 <tr><td>Path: <td><input name="highway-path" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('path' );"><td>%
191 <tr><td>Steps: <td><input name="highway-steps" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('steps' );"><td>%
192 <tr><td>Ferry: <td><input name="highway-ferry" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetHighway('ferry' );"><td>%
193 </table>
194 </div>
195 </div>
197 <div class="hideshow_box">
198 <span id="hideshow_speed_show" onclick="hideshow_show('speed');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
199 <span id="hideshow_speed_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('speed');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
200 <span class="hideshow_title">Speed Limits</span>
201 <div id="hideshow_speed_div" style="display: none;">
202 <table>
203 <tr><td>Motorway: <td><input name="speed-motorway" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('motorway' );"><td>km/hr
204 <tr><td>Trunk: <td><input name="speed-trunk" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('trunk' );"><td>km/hr
205 <tr><td>Primary: <td><input name="speed-primary" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('primary' );"><td>km/hr
206 <tr><td>Secondary: <td><input name="speed-secondary" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('secondary' );"><td>km/hr
207 <tr><td>Tertiary: <td><input name="speed-tertiary" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('tertiary' );"><td>km/hr
208 <tr><td>Unclassified:<td><input name="speed-unclassified" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('unclassified');"><td>km/hr
209 <tr><td>Residential: <td><input name="speed-residential" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('residential' );"><td>km/hr
210 <tr><td>Service: <td><input name="speed-service" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('service' );"><td>km/hr
211 <tr><td>Track: <td><input name="speed-track" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('track' );"><td>km/hr
212 <tr><td>Cycleway: <td><input name="speed-cycleway" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('cycleway' );"><td>km/hr
213 <tr><td>Path: <td><input name="speed-path" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('path' );"><td>km/hr
214 <tr><td>Steps: <td><input name="speed-steps" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('steps' );"><td>km/hr
215 <tr><td>Ferry: <td><input name="speed-ferry" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetSpeed('ferry' );"><td>km/hr
216 </table>
217 </div>
218 </div>
220 <div class="hideshow_box">
221 <span id="hideshow_property_show" onclick="hideshow_show('property');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
222 <span id="hideshow_property_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('property');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
223 <span class="hideshow_title">Property Preferences</span>
224 <div id="hideshow_property_div" style="display: none;">
225 <table>
226 <tr><td>Paved: <td><input name="property-paved" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetProperty('paved' );"><td>%
227 <tr><td>Multiple Lanes:<td><input name="property-multilane" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetProperty('multilane' );"><td>%
228 <tr><td>Bridge: <td><input name="property-bridge" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetProperty('bridge' );"><td>%
229 <tr><td>Tunnel: <td><input name="property-tunnel" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetProperty('tunnel' );"><td>%
230 <tr><td>Walking Route: <td><input name="property-footroute" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetProperty('footroute' );"><td>%
231 <tr><td>Bicycle Route: <td><input name="property-bicycleroute" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetProperty('bicycleroute');"><td>%
232 </table>
233 </div>
234 </div>
236 <div class="hideshow_box">
237 <span id="hideshow_restriction_show" onclick="hideshow_show('restriction');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
238 <span id="hideshow_restriction_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('restriction');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
239 <span class="hideshow_title">Other Restrictions</span>
240 <div id="hideshow_restriction_div" style="display: none;">
241 <table>
242 <tr><td>Obey oneway:<td><input name="restrict-oneway" type="checkbox" onchange="formSetRestriction('oneway');"><td>
243 <tr><td>Obey turns: <td><input name="restrict-turns" type="checkbox" onchange="formSetRestriction('turns' );"><td>
244 <tr><td>Weight: <td><input name="restrict-weight" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetRestriction('weight');"><td>tonnes
245 <tr><td>Height: <td><input name="restrict-height" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetRestriction('height');"><td>metres
246 <tr><td>Width: <td><input name="restrict-width" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetRestriction('width' );"><td>metres
247 <tr><td>Length: <td><input name="restrict-length" type="text" size=3 onchange="formSetRestriction('length');"><td>metres
248 </table>
249 </div>
250 </div>
252 <div class="hideshow_box">
253 <span class="hideshow_title">Find</span>
254 <input type="button" title="Find shortest route" id="shortest" value="Shortest" onclick="findRoute('shortest');">
255 <input type="button" title="Find quickest route" id="quickest" value="Quickest" onclick="findRoute('quickest');">
256 </div>
258 <div class="hideshow_box">
259 <span class="hideshow_title">Links</span>
260 <a id="permalink_url" href="router.html">Permanent link to these parameters</a>
261 <br>
262 <a id="edit_url" target="edit" style="display: none;">Edit this OSM data</a>
263 </div>
265 <div class="hideshow_box">
266 <span id="hideshow_help_options_show" onclick="hideshow_show('help_options');" class="hideshow_hide">+</span>
267 <span id="hideshow_help_options_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('help_options');" class="hideshow_show">-</span>
268 <span class="hideshow_title">Help</span>
269 <div id="hideshow_help_options_div">
270 <div class="scrollable">
271 <b>Quick Start</b>
272 <br>
273 Click on marker icons (above) to place them on the map (right). Then
274 drag them to the correct position. Zooming the map before placing the
275 markers is probably easiest. Alternatively type the latitude and
276 longitude into the boxes above.
277 <p>
278 Select the transport type, allowed highway types, speed limits, highway
279 properties and other restrictions from the options above.
280 Select "Shortest" or "Quickest" to calculate the route and display it
281 on the map.
282 <p>
283 <b>Waypoints</b>
284 <br>
285 Clicking on the marker icons will toggle the display of them on the map.
286 When a route is calculated it will visit (as close as possible
287 for the selected transport type) each of the waypoints that have
288 markers on the map in the order given.
289 <p>
290 <b>Transport Type</b>
291 <br>
292 Selecting a transport type will restrict the chosen route to
293 those on which it is allowed and set default values for the
294 other parameters.
295 <p>
296 <b>Highway Preferences</b>
297 <br>
298 The highway preference is selected as a percentage and routes are chosen that
299 try to follow the preferred highways.
300 For example if a "Primary" road is given a "110%" preference and a "Secondary"
301 road is given a "100%" preference then it means that a route on a Primary road
302 can be up to 10% longer than on a secondary road and still be selected.
303 <p>
304 <b>Speed Limits</b>
305 <br>
306 The speed limits chosen here for the different types of highway apply if the
307 highway has no other speed limit marked or it is higher than the chosen one.
308 <p>
309 <b>Property Preferences</b>
310 <br>
311 The property preference is selected as a percentage and routes are chosen that
312 try to follow highways with the preferred property.
313 For example if a "Paved" highway is given a "75%" preference then it means that
314 an unpaved highway is automatically given a "25%" preference so that a route on
315 a paved highway can be 3 times the length of an unpaved one and still be
316 selected.
317 <p>
318 <b>Other Restrictions</b>
319 <br>
320 These allow a route to be found that avoids marked limits on
321 weight, height, width or length. It is also possible to ignore
322 one-way restrictions (e.g. if walking).
323 </div>
324 </div>
325 </div>
326 </form>
327 </div>
330 <div class="tab_content" id="tab_results_div" style="display: none;">
332 <div class="hideshow_box">
333 <span class="hideshow_title">Status</span>
334 <div id="result_status">
335 <div id="result_status_not_run">
336 <b><i>Router not run</i></b>
337 </div>
338 <div id="result_status_running" style="display: none;">
339 <b>Router running...</b>
340 </div>
341 <div id="result_status_complete" style="display: none;">
342 <b>Routing completed</b>
343 <br>
344 <a id="router_log_complete" target="router_log" href="#">View Details</a>
345 </div>
346 <div id="result_status_error" style="display: none;">
347 <b>Router error</b>
348 <br>
349 <a id="router_log_error" target="router_log" href="#">View Details</a>
350 </div>
351 <div id="result_status_failed" style="display: none;">
352 <b>Router failed to run</b>
353 </div>
354 </div>
355 </div>
357 <div class="hideshow_box">
358 <span id="hideshow_shortest_show" onclick="hideshow_show('shortest');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
359 <span id="hideshow_shortest_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('shortest');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
360 <span class="hideshow_title">Shortest Route</span>
361 <div id="shortest_status">
362 <div id="shortest_status_no_info">
363 <b><i>No Information</i></b>
364 </div>
365 <div id="shortest_status_info" style="display: none;">
366 </div>
367 </div>
368 <div id="hideshow_shortest_div" style="display: none;">
369 <div id="shortest_links" style="display: none;">
370 <table>
371 <tr><td>HTML directions:<td><a id="shortest_html" target="shortest_html" href="#">Open Popup</a>
372 <tr><td>GPX track file: <td><a id="shortest_gpx_track" target="shortest_gpx_track" href="#">Open Popup</a>
373 <tr><td>GPX route file: <td><a id="shortest_gpx_route" target="shortest_gpx_route" href="#">Open Popup</a>
374 <tr><td>Full text file: <td><a id="shortest_text_all" target="shortest_text_all" href="#">Open Popup</a>
375 <tr><td>Text file: <td><a id="shortest_text" target="shortest_text" href="#">Open Popup</a>
376 </table>
377 <hr>
378 </div>
379 <div id="shortest_route">
380 </div>
381 </div>
382 </div>
384 <div class="hideshow_box">
385 <span id="hideshow_quickest_show" onclick="hideshow_show('quickest');" class="hideshow_show">+</span>
386 <span id="hideshow_quickest_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('quickest');" class="hideshow_hide">-</span>
387 <span class="hideshow_title">Quickest Route</span>
388 <div id="quickest_status">
389 <div id="quickest_status_no_info">
390 <b><i>No Information</i></b>
391 </div>
392 <div id="quickest_status_info" style="display: none;">
393 </div>
394 </div>
395 <div id="hideshow_quickest_div" style="display: none;">
396 <div id="quickest_links" style="display: none;">
397 <table>
398 <tr><td>HTML directions:<td><a id="quickest_html" target="quickest_html" href="#">Open Popup</a>
399 <tr><td>GPX track file: <td><a id="quickest_gpx_track" target="quickest_gpx_track" href="#">Open Popup</a>
400 <tr><td>GPX route file: <td><a id="quickest_gpx_route" target="quickest_gpx_route" href="#">Open Popup</a>
401 <tr><td>Full text file: <td><a id="quickest_text_all" target="quickest_text_all" href="#">Open Popup</a>
402 <tr><td>Text file: <td><a id="quickest_text" target="quickest_text" href="#">Open Popup</a>
403 </table>
404 <hr>
405 </div>
406 <div id="quickest_route">
407 </div>
408 </div>
409 </div>
411 <div class="hideshow_box">
412 <span id="hideshow_help_route_show" onclick="hideshow_show('help_route');" class="hideshow_hide">+</span>
413 <span id="hideshow_help_route_hide" onclick="hideshow_hide('help_route');" class="hideshow_show">-</span>
414 <span class="hideshow_title">Help</span>
415 <div id="hideshow_help_route_div">
416 <div class="scrollable">
417 <p>
418 <b>Quick Start</b>
419 <br>
420 After calculating a route you can download the GPX file or plain
421 text route description (summary or detailed version). Also you
422 can view the route description and zoom in to selected parts.
423 <p>
424 <b>Problem Solving</b>
425 <br>
426 If the router completes with an error then the most likely cause is
427 that it is not possible to find a route between the selected points.
428 Moving one or more markers or changing the routing options should
429 allow a route to be found.
430 <p>
431 <b>Output Formats</b>
432 <br>
433 <dl>
434 <dt>HTML instructions
435 <dd>A description of the route to take with directions at each
436 important junction.
437 <dt>GPX track file
438 <dd>The same information that is displayed on the map with points
439 for every node and lines for every segment.
440 <dt>GPX route file
441 <dd>The same information that is displayed in text for the route
442 with a waypoint for each important junction in the route.
443 <dt>Full text file
444 <dd>A list of all of the nodes visited as well as the distance
445 between them and the cumulative distance for each step of the
446 route.
447 <dt>Text file
448 <dd>The same information that is displayed in text for the route.
449 </dl>
450 </div>
451 </div>
452 </div>
453 </div>
456 <div class="tab_content" id="tab_data_div" style="display: none;">
457 <div class="hideshow_box">
458 <span class="hideshow_title">Statistics</span>
459 <div id="statistics_data"></div>
460 <a id="statistics_link" href="statistics.cgi" onclick="displayStatistics();return(false);">Display data statistics</a>
461 </div>
463 <div class="hideshow_box">
464 <span class="hideshow_title">Visualiser</span>
465 To see Routino's view of the data there is a data visualiser that allows
466 displaying of the underlying data in various ways.
467 <br>
468 <a id="visualiser_url" href="visualiser.html" target="visualiser">Custom link to this map view</a>
469 </div>
470 </div>
472 </div>
474 <!-- Right hand side of window - map -->
476 <div class="right_panel">
477 <div class="map" id="map">
478 <noscript>
479 <p>
480 Javascript is <em>required</em> to use this web page because of the
481 interactive map.
482 </noscript>
483 </div>
484 <div class="attribution">
485 Router: <a href="" target="routino">Routino</a>
486 |
487 Geo Data: <span id="attribution_data"></span>
488 |
489 Tiles: <span id="attribution_tile"></span>
490 </div>
491 </div>
493 </body>
495 </html>