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Index of /trunk/web/translations

Files shown:11
Directory revision: 1533 (of 2192)
Sticky Revision:

File (rev) Rev. Age Author Last log entry
 Parent Directory        
visualiser.html  1521  11 years  amb   Create the router and visualiser HTML files from templates a…
translations-tail.xml  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…
translations-head.xml  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…
translations-body.xml  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…
translation.en.txt  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…  1533  10 years  amb   Create the routino-translations.xml file from the translated…
router.html  1521  11 years  amb   Create the router and visualiser HTML files from templates a…