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Log of /trunk/src/Makefile

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Revision 1690 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Thu May 28 18:18:53 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by amb
File length: 5021 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1680
Update Makefiles so that 'make clean' goes back to the source code in
the release tar files and 'make distclean' goes back to the source
code in subversion (the difference mainly being web page icons and
web page translations).

Revision 1680 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Tue May 26 17:28:56 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by amb
File length: 5024 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1528
Merge branch 'MSVC' back into the trunk.

Revision 1528 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Mar 22 12:04:51 2014 UTC (10 years, 11 months ago) by amb
File length: 5008 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1523
Another iteration through the Makefiles with some small changes.

Revision 1523 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Tue Mar 11 19:25:07 2014 UTC (11 years ago) by amb
File length: 4983 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1455
Update the Makefiles by creating one in the web directory and moving parts from
the src, doc and xml Makefiles into it.

Revision 1455 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Jul 6 09:57:31 2013 UTC (11 years, 8 months ago) by amb
File length: 5338 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1390
Update some Makefiles for running 'make test' from a clean set of source code.

Revision 1390 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Thu Jun 6 18:21:35 2013 UTC (11 years, 9 months ago) by amb
File length: 5322 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1364
Tidy up the compilation and linking flags again.

Revision 1364 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Jun 1 18:09:23 2013 UTC (11 years, 9 months ago) by amb
File length: 5342 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1345
Use the WEBBINDIR variable rather than a hard-coded path.

Revision 1345 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sun May 26 18:51:41 2013 UTC (11 years, 9 months ago) by amb
File length: 5362 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1343
Move the tagmodifier program into the extras directory.

Revision 1343 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sun May 26 12:35:21 2013 UTC (11 years, 9 months ago) by amb
File length: 5577 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1321
Re-organise the Makefiles so that all configuration information is one of them
(Makefile.conf at the top level) rather than being spread between them.

Revision 1321 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri May 17 14:54:56 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5744 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1319
Allow dumping error logs from filedumper.

Revision 1319 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon May 13 18:10:49 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5717 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1317
Rename logerrorx.c to errorlogx.c and logerrorx.h to errorlogx.h so that they
mirror the nodesx.c and nodesx.h filenames.

Revision 1317 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sun May 12 18:00:25 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5716 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1313
Add functions to process the binary error log file and convert it into a
geographically searchable database.

Revision 1313 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat May 11 18:14:38 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5688 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1311
Create a binary log file that contains the node, way and relation id and a link
to the error message for easy parsing.

Revision 1311 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri May 10 19:03:38 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5657 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1296
Enable -Wextra compilation option (but not -Wunused-parameter option) by

Revision 1296 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Tue May 7 09:31:00 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5626 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1292
Move the cache functions out of cache.c and into each data type's header file as
inline functions.

Revision 1292 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri May 3 15:25:56 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File length: 5652 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1227
Add node, segment, way and turn relation cache for slim mode.  Approx 40%
speed-up for router.

Revision 1227 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Dec 24 16:35:46 2012 UTC (12 years, 2 months ago) by amb
File length: 5626 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1221
Added parsing of O5M/O5C format (a binary format but otherwise very close to OSM/OSC).

Revision 1221 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri Dec 21 16:08:44 2012 UTC (12 years, 2 months ago) by amb
File length: 5561 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1196
Add a parser for OSM PBF format.
Separate the XML parser from the data processing in osmparser.c.
Update planetsplitter and documentation to use new format.

Revision 1196 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Fri Dec 14 14:45:02 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by amb
File length: 5505 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1194
Add the ability to read gzip compressed files when specified by name.

Revision 1194 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Thu Dec 13 19:18:28 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by amb
File length: 5444 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1188
Add the ability to read bzip2 compressed files when specified by name.

Revision 1188 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Dec 10 19:54:01 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by amb
File length: 5344 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1185
Re-enable the optimisation option.

Revision 1185 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Dec 10 18:35:02 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by amb
File length: 5343 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1166
Remove flex based XML parser and replace with a parser created by implementing
the same lex rules by hand.  Operates faster because tag attributes do not need
memory allocated or copying from file buffer and there are no yylex() function

Revision 1166 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Tue Nov 20 16:12:08 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by amb
File length: 5494 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1149
Replace all assert statements with a custom error message that explains the
cause and suggests a solution.

Revision 1149 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Nov 17 18:55:11 2012 UTC (12 years, 4 months ago) by amb
File length: 5484 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1045
Add a new program to dump the contents of the intermediate files that are
generated by using --preserve or --changes.

Revision 1045 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Added Mon Aug 6 18:35:14 2012 UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by amb
File length: 5335 byte(s)
Diff to previous 991
Be more consistent about what files to clean up.

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