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Annotation of /trunk/doc/html/readme.html

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Revision 1454 - (hide annotations) (download) (as text)
Sat Jul 6 09:30:05 2013 UTC (11 years, 8 months ago) by amb
File MIME type: text/html
File size: 10194 byte(s)
Update for version 2.6 release.

1 amb 586 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
2     <HTML>
4 amb 1257 <HEAD>
5     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
7     <title>Routino : Software</title>
9 amb 586 <!--
10 amb 1056 Routino documentation - readme
11 amb 586
12     Part of the Routino routing software.
14 amb 1243 This file Copyright 2008-2013 Andrew M. Bishop
15 amb 586
16     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
17     it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
18     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
19     (at your option) any later version.
21     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24     GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
26     You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
27     along with this program. If not, see
28     -->
30 amb 1257 <link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
31 amb 586 </HEAD>
33     <BODY>
35     <!-- Header Start -->
37     <div class="header" align="center">
39     <h1>Routino : Software</h1>
41     <hr>
42     </div>
44     <!-- Header End -->
46     <!-- Content Start -->
48     <div class="content">
50     <h2><a name="H_1_1" title="Introduction"></a>Routino Introduction</h2>
52     Routino is an application for finding a route between two points using the
53     dataset of topographical information collected by
54     <a class="ext" title="OpenStreetMap" href=""></a>.
56     <p>
58     Starting from the raw OpenStreetMap data (in the form of the '.osm' XML files
59     available on the internet) a custom database is generated that contains the
60     information useful for routing. With this database and two points specified by
61     latitude and longitude an optimum route (either shortest or quickest) is
62     determined. The route is calculated for OpenStreetMap highways (roads, paths
63     etc) using one of the common forms of transport defined in OpenStreetMap (foot,
64 amb 1243 bicycle, horse, motorcar, motorcycle etc).
65 amb 586
66     <p>
68     When processing the OpenStreetMap data the types of highways are recorded and
69     these set default limits on the types of traffic allowed. More specific
70     information about permissions for different types of transport are also recorded
71 amb 738 as are maximum speed limits. Further restrictions like one-way streets, weight,
72 amb 586 height, width and length limits are also included where specified. Additionally
73     a set of properties of each highway are also recorded. The processing of the
74     input file is controlled by a configuration file which determines the
75     information that is used.
77     <p>
79     When calculating a route the type of transport to be used is taken into account
80     to ensure that the known restrictions are followed. Each of the different
81     highway types can further be allowed or disallowed depending on preferences.
82     For each type of highway a default speed limit is defined (although the actual
83     speed used will be the lowest of the default and any specified in the original
84     data). To make use of the information about restrictions the weight, height,
85     width and length of the transport can also be specified. Further preferences
86 amb 738 about road properties (e.g. paved or not) can also be selected. The simplest
87     type of turn restrictions (those formed from an initial way, a node and a second
88     way) are also obeyed.
89 amb 586
90     <p>
92     The result of calculating the route can be presented in several different ways.
93     An HTML file can be produced that contains a description of the route to take
94     with instructions for each of the important junctions. The contents of the file
95     are created based on a set of translations specified in a configuration file.
96     The route is also available in a
97     <a class="ext" title="GPX format" href="">GPX (GPS eXchange) XML format</a>.
98     format file containing either every point and highway segment (a track file) or
99     just a waypoint and translated instructions for the important junctions (a route
100     file).
101     Additionally there are two plain text files that contain all data points or just
102     the important ones (intended for debugging and further processing).
104     <p>
106     One of the design aims of Routino was to make the software are flexible as
107     possible in selecting routing preferences but also have a sensible set of
108     default values. Another design aim was that finding the optimum route should be
109     very fast and most of the speed increases come from the carefully chosen and
110     optimised data format.
113     <h2><a name="H_1_2"></a>Disclaimer</h2>
115     The route that is calculated by this software is only as good as the input data.
117     <p>
119     Routino comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for the software itself or the route
120     that is calculated by it.
123     <h2><a name="H_1_3"></a>Demonstration</h2>
125     A live demonstration of the router for the UK is available on the internet:
126     <br>
127     <a title="Routino demo" href=""></a>
129     <p>
131     The source code download available below also includes a set of files that can
132     be used to create your own interactive map.
134     <p>
136     The interactive map is made possible by use of the OpenLayers Javascript
137     library from <a class="ext" href="" title="OpenLayers"></a>.
140     <h2><a name="H_1_4"></a>Documentation</h2>
142     A full set of
143     <a href="index.html" title="Documentation">documentation</a>
144     is available that describes how to install and use the programs as well as
145     what should go in the configuration files and how it works.
148     <h2><a name="H_1_5"></a>Status</h2>
150     Version 1.0 of Routino was released on 8th April 2009.
151     <br>
152     Version 1.1 of Routino was released on 13th June 2009.
153     <br>
154     Version 1.2 of Routino was released on 21st October 2009.
155     <br>
156     Version 1.3 of Routino was released on 21st January 2010.
157     <br>
158     Version 1.4 of Routino was released on 31st May 2010.
159     <br>
160     Version 1.4.1 of Routino was released on 10th July 2010.
161     <br>
162     Version 1.5 of Routino was released on 30th October 2010.
163     <br>
164     Version 1.5.1 of Routino was released on 13th November 2010.
165 amb 738 <br>
166     Version 2.0 of Routino was released on 30th May 2011.
167 amb 782 <br>
168     Version 2.0.1 of Routino was released on 7th June 2011.
169 amb 800 <br>
170     Version 2.0.2 of Routino was released on 26th June 2011.
171 amb 828 <br>
172     Version 2.0.3 of Routino was released on 4th August 2011.
173 amb 850 <br>
174     Version 2.1 of Routino was released on 3rd October 2011.
175 amb 882 <br>
176     Version 2.1.1 of Routino was released on 23rd October 2011.
177 amb 903 <br>
178 amb 1026 Version 2.1.2 of Routino was released on 12th November 2011.
179 amb 980 <br>
180 amb 1026 Version 2.2 of Routino was released on 3rd March 2012.
181     <br>
182     Version 2.3 of Routino was released on 21st July 2012.
183 amb 1056 <br>
184     Version 2.3.1 of Routino was released on 11th August 2012.
185 amb 1087 <br>
186     Version 2.3.2 of Routino was released on 6th October 2012.
187 amb 1183 <br>
188     Version 2.4 of Routino was released on 8th December 2012.
189 amb 1216 <br>
190     Version 2.4.1 of Routino was released on 17th December 2012.
191 amb 1254 <br>
192     Version 2.5 of Routino was released on 9th February 2013.
193 amb 1279 <br>
194     Version 2.5.1 of Routino was released on 20th April 2013.
195 amb 1454 <br>
196     Version 2.6 of Routino was released on 6th July 2013.
197 amb 586
198     <p>
200 amb 1270 The full version history is available in the NEWS.txt file.
201 amb 586
203 amb 1454 <h3><a name="H_1_5_1" title="Changes"></a>Changes in Versions 2.6</h3>
204 amb 586
205 amb 1454 Version 2.6 - mostly faster operation.
206 amb 1216
207 amb 1087 <dl>
208 amb 1454 <dt>General:
209     <dd>Force '&lt;if&gt;...&lt;/if&gt;' in tagging rules to match even with no input tags.
210     <br>Built-in translations for GPX-route file gave nonsense durations.
211     <br>Handle some cases that potentially caused divide by zero (not crashes).
212 amb 1279
213 amb 1454 <dt>Compilation:
214     <dd>All configuration is now contained in the top level file Makefile.conf.
215     <br>Default to using -ffast-math option for faster maths and glibc workaround.
216 amb 1279
217 amb 1454 <dt>Code improvements:
218     <dd>Improve router internal data structures to increase performance.
219     <br>Add another layer of caching to significantly speed up slim mode operation.
220     <br>Add a layer of file buffering to significantly speed up reading/writing.
221     <br>Enable more compile-time warnings and fix them.
222 amb 1279
223 amb 1087 <dt>planetsplitter:
224 amb 1454 <dd>Create a binary log file to allow searching for errors geographically.
225     <br>Simplify processing for changes (segment files not kept).
226     <br>Don't prune isolated regions for transport types we don't have.
227 amb 1087
228 amb 1454 <dt>Web pages (visualiser):
229     <dd>Allow displaying the error logs on the map.
230     <br>Allow selecting any item displayed and showing more information about it.
231 amb 1087
232 amb 1454 <dt>Extras:
233     <dd>Create a separate directory to put extra (non-essential) programs and scripts.
234     <ul>
235     <li>tagmodifier - a tagging rule testing program.
236     <li>errorlog - a script to summarise the planetsplitter error log.
237     <li>plot-time - a script to plot a graph of the planetsplitter execution time.
238     <li>find-fixme - search an OSM file for "fixme" tags and display them on a map.
239     </ul>
240 amb 1056 </dl>
242 amb 1026 <p>
243 amb 1454 <b>Note:</b> This version is not compatible with databases from previous versions.
244 amb 586
245 amb 1026
246 amb 800 <h3><a name="H_1_5_2"></a>License</h3>
248 amb 586 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
249     the terms of the
250     <a class="ext" title="Affero GPLv3" href="">GNU Affero General Public License</a>
251     as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
252     or (at your option) any later version.
254     <p>
256     It is important to note that for this program I have decided to use the
257     <em>Affero GPLv3</em> instead of just using the GPL. This license adds
258     additional requirements to anybody who provides a networked service using this
259     software.
262 amb 800 <h3><a name="H_1_5_3"></a>Copyright</h3>
263 amb 586
264 amb 1254 Routino is copyright Andrew M. Bishop 2008-2013.
265 amb 586
267 amb 1454 <h2><a name="H_1_6"></a>Homepage</h2>
268 amb 586
269 amb 1454 The <a title="Homepage" href="">Routino homepage</a>
270     has the latest news about the program.
273     <h2><a name="H_1_7"></a>Download</h2>
275 amb 586 The <a title="Download directory" href="">download directory</a>
276     contains the latest version of the source code.
279     </div>
281     <!-- Content End -->
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285     <div class="footer" align="center">
286     <hr>
288     <address>
289 amb 1267 &copy; Andrew M. Bishop - <a href=""></a>
290 amb 586 </address>
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296     </BODY>
298     </HTML>