Routino : Output

Router Output

There are three different formats of output from the router, HTML, GPX (GPS eXchange) XML format and plain text with a total of five possible output files: The "interesting junctions" referred to above are junctions where the route changes to a different type of highway, more than two highways of the same type meet, or where the route meets but does not take a more major highway. When the route follows a major road this definition eliminates all junctions with minor roads.

The output files are written to the current directory and are named depending on the selection of shortest or quickest route. For the shortest route the file names are "shortest.html", "shortest-track.gpx", "shortest-route.gpx", "shortest.txt" and "shortest-all.txt", for the quickest route the names are "quickest.html", "quickest-track.gpx", "quickest-route.gpx", "quickest.txt" and "quickest-all.txt".

The HTML file and GPX files are written out according to the selected language using the translations contained in the translations.xml configuration file. The text files contain only the copyright section translated with the rest in English.

HTML Route Instructions

The HTML route instructions file contains one line for each of the interesting junctions in the route and one line for the highway that connects them.

An example HTML file output is below (some parts are missing, for example the style definitions):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<!-- Creator : Routino - -->
<!-- Source : Based on OpenStreetMap data from -->
<!-- License : -->
<TITLE>Shortest Route</TITLE>
<H1>Shortest Route</H1>
<tr class='c'><td class='l'><td class='r'>51.524677 -0.127896
<tr class='n'><td class='l'>Start:<td class='r'>At <span class='w'>Waypoint</span>, head <span class='b'>South-East</span>

<tr class='s'><td class='l'>Follow:<td class='r'><span class='h'>Russell Square</span> for <span class='d'>0.391 km, 0.5 min</span> [<span class='j'>0.4 km, 0 minutes</span>]
<tr class='t'><td class='l'>Total:<td class='r'><span class='j'>6.3 km, 5 minutes</span>
<tr><td class='l'>Stop:<td class='r'><span class='w'>Waypoint</span>
The coordinates are included in the file but are not visible because of the style definitions.

GPX Track File

The GPX track file contains a track with all of the individual nodes that the route passes through.

An example GPX track file output is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Routino" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<desc>Creator : Routino -</desc>
<copyright author="Based on OpenStreetMap data from">
<name>Shortest route</name>
<desc>Shortest route between 'start' and 'finish' waypoints</desc>
<trkpt lat="51.524677" lon="-0.127896"/>
<trkpt lat="51.523830" lon="-0.126993"/>
<trkpt lat="51.478353" lon="-0.103561"/>
<trkpt lat="51.478244" lon="-0.103652"/>

GPX Route File

The GPX route file contains a route (ordered set of waypoints) with all of the interesting junctions that the route passes through.

An example GPX route file output is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Routino" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<desc>Creator : Routino -</desc>
<copyright author="Based on OpenStreetMap data from">
<name>Shortest route</name>
<desc>Shortest route between 'start' and 'finish' waypoints</desc>
<rtept lat="51.524677" lon="-0.127896"><name>START</name>
<desc>South-East on 'Russell Square' for 0.391 km, 0.5 min</desc></rtept>
<rtept lat="51.521815" lon="-0.124577"><name>TRIP001</name>
<desc>South-East on 'Russell Square' for 0.055 km, 0.1 min</desc></rtept>
<rtept lat="51.478244" lon="-0.103652"><name>FINISH</name>
<desc>Total Journey 6.3 km, 5 minutes</desc></rtept>

Text File

The text file format contains one entry for all of the interesting junctions in the route and is intended to be easy to interpret.

An example text file output is below:

# Creator : Routino -
# Source : Based on OpenStreetMap data from
# License :
#Latitude	Longitude	Section 	Section 	Total   	Total   	Point	Turn	Bearing	Highway
#        	         	Distance	Duration	Distance	Duration	Type 	    	       	       
 51.524677	  -0.127896	 0.000 km	 0.0 min	  0.0 km	   0 min	Waypt		 +3	
 51.521815	  -0.124577	 0.391 km	 0.5 min	  0.4 km	   0 min	Junct	 +0	 +3	Russell Square
 51.478353	  -0.103561	 0.598 km	 0.4 min	  6.2 km	   5 min	Junct	 +2	 -3	Camberwell New Road (A202)
 51.478244	  -0.103652	 0.013 km	 0.0 min	  6.3 km	   5 min	Waypt			Vassall Road

The text file output contains a header (indicated by the lines starting with '#') and then one line for each junction. Each line contains the information for the route up to that point and the direction to go next. For each of the lines the individual fields contain the following:

Item Description
Latitude Location of the point (degrees)
Longitude Location of the point (degrees)
Section Distance The distance travelled on the section of the journey that ends at this point (defined on this line).
Section Duration The duration of travel on the section of the journey that ends at this point (defined on this line).
Total Distance The total distance travelled up to this point.
Total Duration The total duration of travel up to this point.
Point Type The type of point; either a waypoint Waypt or junction Junct.
Turn The direction to turn at this point (missing for the first point since the journey has not started yet and the last point because it has finished). This can take one of nine values between -4 and +4 defined by: 0 = Straight, +2 = Right, -2 = Left and +/-4 = Reverse.
Bearing The direction to head at this point (missing for the last point since the journey has finished). This can take one of nine values between -4 and +4 defined by: 0 = North, +2 = East, -2 = West and +/-4 = South.
Highway The name (or description) of the highway to follow (missing on the first line).

The individual items are separated by tabs but some of the items contain spaces as well.

All Nodes Text File

The all nodes text file format contains one entry for each of the nodes on the route.

An example all nodes text file output is below:

# Creator : Routino -
# Source : Based on OpenStreetMap data from
# License :
#Latitude	Longitude	    Node	Type	Segment	Segment	Total	Total  	Speed	Bearing	Highway
#        	         	        	    	Dist   	Durat'n	Dist 	Durat'n	     	       	       
 51.524677	  -0.127896	 7485978*	Waypt	0.000	 0.00	 0.00	  0.0			
 51.523830	  -0.126993	 7485047*	Junct	0.113	 0.14	 0.11	  0.1	 96	 146	Woburn Place
 51.478353	  -0.103561	 7576939*	Junct	0.104	 0.07	 6.25	  5.0	 96	 126	Camberwell New Road (A202)
 51.478244	  -0.103652	 7581605 	Waypt	0.013	 0.01	 6.26	  5.0	 64	 207	Vassall Road

The all nodes text file output is similar to the text file output except that a line is printed for each of the nodes rather than just the interesting junctions. For each of the lines the individual fields contain the following:

Item Description
Latitude Location of the point in degrees.
Longitude Location of the point in degrees.
Node The internal node number and an indicator "*" if the node is a super-node.
Type The type of point; a waypoint Waypt, junction Junct, change of highway Change or intermediate node Inter.
Segment Distance The distance travelled on the segment defined on this line.
Segment Duration The duration of travel on the segment defined on this line.
Total Distance The total distance travelled up to this point.
Total Duration The total duration of travel up to this point.
Speed The speed of travel on the segment defined on this line (missing on the first line).
Bearing The direction that the segment defined on this line travels in degrees (missing on the first line).
Highway The name (or description) of the highway segment (missing on the first line).