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Revision 585 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Wed Dec 29 10:54:11 2010 UTC (14 years, 2 months ago) by amb
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Added the uncontrolled (not auto-generated) files from routino-1.5.

1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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4 <!--
5 Routino documentation - algorithm
7 Part of the Routino routing software.
9 This file Copyright 2008-2010 Andrew M. Bishop
11 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
13 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 (at your option) any later version.
16 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
22 along with this program. If not, see
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37 <h1>Routino : Algorithm</h1>
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48 <h2><a name="H_1_1"></a>Algorithms</h2>
50 This page describes the development of the algorithm that is used in Routino for
51 finding routes.
53 <h3><a name="H_1_1_1"></a>Simplest Algorithm</h3>
55 The algorithm to find a route is fundamentally simple: Start at the beginning,
56 follow all possible routes and keep going until you reach the end.
57 <p>
58 While this method does work, it isn't fast. To be able to find a route quickly
59 needs a different algorithm, one that can find the correct answer without
60 wasting time on routes that lead nowhere.
62 <h3><a name="H_1_1_2"></a>Improved Algorithm</h3>
64 The simplest way to do this is to follow all possible segments from the starting
65 node to the next nearest node (an intermediate node in the complete journey).
66 For each node that is reached store the shortest route from the starting node
67 and the length of that route. The list of intermediate nodes needs to be
68 maintained in order of shortest overall route on the assumption that there is a
69 straight line route from here to the end node.
70 <br>
71 At each point the intermediate node that has the shortest potential overall
72 journey time is processed before any other node. From the first node in the
73 list follow all possible segments and place the newly discovered nodes into the
74 same list ordered in the same way. This will tend to constrain the list of
75 nodes examined to be the ones that are between the start and end nodes. If at
76 any point you reach a node that has already been reached by a longer route then
77 you can discard that route since the newly discovered route is shorter.
78 Conversely if the previously discovered route is shorter then discard the new
79 route.
80 <br>
81 At some point the end node will be reached and then any routes with potential
82 lengths longer than this actual route can be immediately discarded. The few
83 remaining potential routes must be continued until they are found to be shorter
84 or have no possibility of being shorter. The shortest possible route is then
85 found.
86 <p>
87 At all times when looking at a node only those segments that are possible by the
88 chosen means of transport are followed. This allows the type of transport to be
89 handled easily. When finding the quickest route the same rules apply except
90 that criterion for sorting is the shortest potential route (assuming that from
91 each node to the end is the fastest possible type of highway).
92 <p>
93 This method also works, but again it isn't very fast. The problem is that the
94 complexity is proportional to the number of nodes or segments in all routes
95 examined between the start and end nodes. Maintaining the list of intermediate
96 nodes in order is the most complex part.
98 <h3><a name="H_1_1_3"></a>Final Algorithm</h3>
100 The final algorithm that is implemented in the router is basically the one above
101 but with an important difference. Instead of finding a long route among a data
102 set of 8,000,000 nodes (number of highway nodes in UK at beginning of 2010) it
103 finds one long route in a data set of 1,000,000 nodes and a few hundred very
104 short routes in the full data set. Since the time taken to find a route is
105 proportional to the number of nodes the main route takes 1/10th of the time and
106 the very short routes take almost no time at all.
107 <p>
108 The solution to making the algorithm fast is therefore to discard most of the
109 nodes and only keep the interesting ones. In this case a node is deemed to be
110 interesting if it is the junction of two segments with different properties. In
111 the algorithm these are classed as <em>super-nodes</em>. Starting at each
112 super-node a <em>super-segment</em> is generated that finishes on another
113 super-node and contains the <em>shortest</em> path along segments with identical
114 properties (and these properties are inherited by the super-segment). The point
115 of choosing the shortest route is that since all segments considered have
116 identical properties they will be treated identically when properties are taken
117 into account. This decision making process can be repeated until the only the
118 most important and interesting nodes remain.
119 <p>
120 <img alt="Original data" src="example0.png"><br>
121 <img alt="Iteration 1" src="example1.png"><br>
122 <img alt="Iteration 2" src="example2.png"><br>
123 <p>
124 To find a route between a start and finish point now comprises the following
125 steps (assuming a shortest route is required):
126 <ol>
127 <li>Find all shortest routes from the start point along normal segments and
128 stopping when super-nodes are reached.
129 <li>Find all shortest routes from the end point backwards along normal
130 segments and stopping when super-nodes are reached.
131 <li>Find the shortest route along super-segments from the set of super-nodes
132 in step 1 to the set of super-nodes in step 2 (taking into account the lengths
133 found in steps 1 and 2 between the start/finish super-nodes and the ultimate
134 start/finish point).
135 <li>For each super-segment in step 3 find the shortest route between the two
136 end-point super-nodes.
137 </ol>
138 This multi-step process is considerably quicker than using all nodes but gives a
139 result that still contains the full list of nodes that are visited. There are
140 some special cases though, for example very short routes that do not pass
141 through any super-nodes, or routes that start or finish on a super-node. In
142 these cases one or more of the steps listed can be removed or simplified.
144 <h3><a name="H_1_1_4"></a>Routing Preferences</h3>
146 One of the important features of Routino is the ability to select a route that
147 is optimum for a set of criteria such as preferences for each type of highway,
148 speed limits and other restrictions and highway properties.
149 <p>
150 All of these features are handled by assigning a score to each segment while
151 calculating the route and trying to minimise the score rather than simply
152 minimising the length.
153 <dl>
154 <dt>Segment length
155 <dd>When calculating the shortest route the length of the segment is the
156 starting point for the score.
157 <dt>Speed preference
158 <dd>When calculating the quickest route the time taken calculated from the
159 length of the segment and the lower of the highway's own speed limit and the
160 user's speed preference for the type of highway is the starting point for the
161 score.
162 <dt>Oneway restriction
163 <dd>If a highway has the oneway property in the opposite direction to the
164 desired travel and the user's preference is to obey oneway restrictions then
165 the segment is ignored.
166 <dt>Weight, height, width &amp; length limits
167 <dd>If a highway has one of these limits and its value is less than the user's
168 specified requirement then the segment is ignored.
169 <dt>Highway preference
170 <dd>The highway preference specified by the user is a percentage, these are
171 scaled so that the most preferred highway type has a weighted preference of
172 1.0 (0% always has a weighted preference of 0.0). The calculated score for a
173 segment is divided by this weighted preference.
174 <dt>Highway properties
175 <dd>The other highway properties are specified by the user as a percentage and
176 each highway either has that property or not. The user's property preference
177 is scaled into the range 0.0 (for 0%) to 1.0 (for 100%) to give a weighted
178 preference, a second "non-property" weighted preference is calcuated in the
179 same way after subtracting the user's preference from 100%. If a segment has
180 a particular property then the calculated score is divided by the weighted
181 preference for that property, if the segment does not have this property then
182 it is divided by the non-property weighted preference. To ensure that setting
183 property preferences near 50% do not cause large variations in routes the
184 highway's preference is found by taking the square root of the property
185 preference.
186 </dl>
188 <h3><a name="H_1_1_5"></a>Implementation</h3>
190 The hardest part of implementing this router is the data organisation. The
191 arrangement of the data to minimise the number of operations required to follow
192 a route from one node to another is much harder than designing the algorithm
193 itself.
194 <p>
195 The final implementation uses a separate table for nodes, segments and ways.
196 Each table individually is implemented as a C-language data structure that is
197 written to disk by a program which parses the OpenStreetMap XML data file. In
198 the router these data structures are memory mapped so that the operating system
199 handles the problems of loading the needed data blocks from disk.
200 <p>
201 Each node contains a latitude and longitude and they are sorted geographically
202 so that converting a latitude and longitude coordinate to a node is fast as well
203 as looking up the coordinate of a node. The node also contains the location in
204 the array of segments for the first segment that uses that node.
205 <br>
206 Each segment contains the location of the two nodes as well as the way that the
207 segment came from. The location of the next segment that uses one of the two
208 nodes is also stored; the next segment for the other node is the following one
209 in the array. The length of the segment is also pre-computed and stored.
210 <br>
211 Each way has a name, a highway type, a list of allowed types of traffic, a speed
212 limit, any weight, height, width or length restrictions and the highway
213 properties.
214 <p>
215 The super-nodes are mixed in with the nodes and the super-segments are mixed in
216 with the segments. For the nodes they are the same as the normal nodes, so just
217 a flag is needed to indicate that they are super. The super-segments are in
218 addition to the normal segments so they increase the database size (by about
219 10%) and are also marked with a flag.
221 <h3><a name="H_1_1_6"></a>Practicalities</h3>
223 At the time of writing (April 2010) the OpenStreetMap data for Great Britain
224 (taken from
225 <a class="ext" href="" title="GeoFabrik Mirror of OpenStreetMap Data">GeoFabrik</a>
226 ) contains:
227 <ul>
228 <li>14,675,098 nodes
229 <ul>
230 <li>8,767,521 are highway nodes
231 <li>1,120,297 are super-nodes
232 </ul>
233 <li>1,876,822 ways
234 <ul>
235 <li>1,412,898 are highways
236 <ul>
237 <li>9,316,328 highway segments
238 <li>1,641,009 are super-segments
239 </ul>
240 </ul>
241 <li>60,572 relations
242 </ul>
244 The database files when generated are 41.5 MB for nodes, 121.6 MB for segments
245 and 12.6 MB for ways and are stored uncompressed. By having at least 200 MB or
246 RAM available the routing can be performed with no disk accesses (once the data
247 has been read once).
250 </div>
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