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Sat Nov 12 19:03:27 2011 UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by amb
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 6324 byte(s)
Sat Nov 12 19:03:27 2011 UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by amb
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 6324 byte(s)
Updated for version 2.1.2.
1 | amb | 429 | Routino : OpenStreetMap Routing Software |
2 | amb | 152 | ======================================== |
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | Routino is an application for finding a route between two points using | ||
6 | the dataset of topographical information collected by | ||
7 | amb | 191 | |
8 | amb | 152 | |
9 | amb | 423 | Starting from the raw OpenStreetMap data (in the form of the '.osm' XML |
10 | files available on the internet) a custom database is generated that | ||
11 | contains the information useful for routing. With this database and two | ||
12 | points specified by latitude and longitude an optimum route (either | ||
13 | shortest or quickest) is determined. The route is calculated for | ||
14 | OpenStreetMap highways (roads, paths etc) using one of the common forms | ||
15 | of transport defined in OpenStreetMap (foot, bicycle, horse, motorcar, | ||
16 | motorbike etc). | ||
17 | amb | 152 | |
18 | When processing the OpenStreetMap data the types of highways are | ||
19 | recorded and these set default limits on the types of traffic allowed. | ||
20 | More specific information about permissions for different types of | ||
21 | transport are also recorded as are maximum speed limits. Further | ||
22 | amb | 738 | restrictions like one-way streets, weight, height, width and length |
23 | amb | 423 | limits are also included where specified. Additionally a set of |
24 | properties of each highway are also recorded. The processing of the | ||
25 | input file is controlled by a configuration file which determines the | ||
26 | information that is used. | ||
27 | amb | 152 | |
28 | When calculating a route the type of transport to be used is taken into | ||
29 | account to ensure that the known restrictions are followed. Each of the | ||
30 | different highway types can further be allowed or disallowed depending | ||
31 | on preferences. For each type of highway a default speed limit is | ||
32 | defined (although the actual speed used will be the lowest of the | ||
33 | default and any specified in the original data). To make use of the | ||
34 | information about restrictions the weight, height, width and length of | ||
35 | amb | 423 | the transport can also be specified. Further preferences about road |
36 | amb | 738 | properties (e.g. paved or not) can also be selected. The simplest type |
37 | of turn restrictions (those formed from an initial way, a node and a | ||
38 | second way) are also obeyed. | ||
39 | amb | 152 | |
40 | amb | 423 | The result of calculating the route can be presented in several |
41 | different ways. An HTML file can be produced that contains a | ||
42 | description of the route to take with instructions for each of the | ||
43 | important junctions. The contents of the file are created based on a | ||
44 | set of translations specified in a configuration file. The route is | ||
45 | also available in a GPX (GPS eXchange) XML format. format file | ||
46 | containing either every point and highway segment (a track file) or | ||
47 | just a waypoint and translated instructions for the important junctions | ||
48 | (a route file). Additionally there are two plain text files that | ||
49 | contain all data points or just the important ones (intended for | ||
50 | debugging and further processing). | ||
51 | |||
52 | amb | 152 | One of the design aims of Routino was to make the software are flexible |
53 | as possible in selecting routing preferences but also have a sensible | ||
54 | set of default values. Another design aim was that finding the optimum | ||
55 | route should be very fast and most of the speed increases come from the | ||
56 | carefully chosen and optimised data format. | ||
57 | |||
58 | amb | 381 | |
59 | amb | 152 | Disclaimer |
60 | amb | 381 | ---------- |
61 | amb | 152 | |
62 | The route that is calculated by this software is only as good as the | ||
63 | input data. | ||
64 | |||
65 | Routino comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for the software itself or | ||
66 | amb | 429 | the route that is calculated by it. |
67 | amb | 152 | |
68 | amb | 381 | |
69 | amb | 152 | Demonstration |
70 | amb | 381 | ------------- |
71 | amb | 152 | |
72 | amb | 429 | A live demonstration of the router for the UK is available on the |
73 | internet: | ||
74 | amb | 152 | |
75 | amb | 425 | |
76 | amb | 152 | |
77 | amb | 191 | The source code download available also includes a set of files that can |
78 | be used to create your own interactive map. | ||
79 | amb | 152 | |
80 | amb | 191 | The interactive map is made possible by use of the OpenLayers Javascript |
81 | library from | ||
82 | amb | 152 | |
83 | amb | 381 | |
84 | amb | 152 | Documentation |
85 | amb | 381 | ------------- |
86 | amb | 152 | |
87 | amb | 429 | The algorithm used is described in the file ALGORITHM.txt and some |
88 | notes about the limitations of the data is in DATA.txt. | ||
89 | amb | 152 | |
90 | amb | 423 | The configuration files and in particular the default set of rules for |
91 | processing the OpenStreetMap data tags are described in detail in | ||
92 | CONFIGURATION.txt and TAGGING.txt. The format of the output files | ||
93 | generated are described in OUTPUT.txt. | ||
94 | |||
95 | amb | 152 | Detailed information about how to use the programs is available in the |
96 | file USAGE.txt and how to install it is in INSTALL.txt. | ||
97 | |||
98 | amb | 381 | |
99 | amb | 152 | Status |
100 | amb | 381 | ------ |
101 | amb | 152 | |
102 | Version 1.0 of Routino was released on 8th April 2009. | ||
103 | amb | 191 | Version 1.1 of Routino was released on 13th June 2009. |
104 | amb | 288 | Version 1.2 of Routino was released on 21st October 2009. |
105 | amb | 381 | Version 1.3 of Routino was released on 21st January 2010. |
106 | amb | 423 | Version 1.4 of Routino was released on 31st May 2010. |
107 | amb | 517 | Version 1.4.1 of Routino was released on 10th July 2010. |
108 | Version 1.5 of Routino was released on 30th October 2010. | ||
109 | amb | 525 | Version 1.5.1 of Routino was released on 13th November 2010. |
110 | amb | 738 | Version 2.0 of Routino was released on 30th May 2011. |
111 | amb | 781 | Version 2.0.1 of Routino was released on 7th June 2011. |
112 | amb | 801 | Version 2.0.2 of Routino was released on 26th June 2011. |
113 | amb | 828 | Version 2.0.3 of Routino was released on 4th August 2011. |
114 | amb | 903 | Version 2.1 of Routino was released on 3rd October 2011. |
115 | Version 2.1.1 of Routino was released on 23rd October 2011. | ||
116 | Version 2.1.2 of Routino was released on 12th November 2011. | ||
117 | amb | 152 | |
118 | amb | 517 | The full version history is available in the NEWS.txt file. |
119 | amb | 381 | |
120 | amb | 517 | |
121 | amb | 152 | License |
122 | amb | 381 | ------- |
123 | amb | 152 | |
124 | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it | ||
125 | amb | 429 | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published |
126 | by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or | ||
127 | (at your option) any later version. | ||
128 | amb | 152 | |
129 | It is important to note that for this program I have decided to use the | ||
130 | Affero GPLv3 instead of just using the GPL. This license adds | ||
131 | additional requirements to anybody who provides a networked service | ||
132 | using this software. | ||
133 | |||
134 | amb | 381 | |
135 | amb | 152 | Copyright |
136 | amb | 381 | --------- |
137 | amb | 152 | |
138 | amb | 738 | Routino is copyright Andrew M. Bishop 2008-2011. |
139 | amb | 152 | |
140 | Contact for any questions or queries. | ||
141 | |||
142 | amb | 381 | |
143 | amb | 152 | Homepage |
144 | amb | 381 | -------- |
145 | amb | 152 | |
146 | The latest information about the program can be found on the homepage: | ||
147 | |||
148 | amb | 425 | |
149 | amb | 152 | |
150 | amb | 381 | |
151 | amb | 152 | Download |
152 | amb | 381 | -------- |
153 | amb | 152 | |
154 | The program can be downloaded from: | ||
155 | |||
156 | amb | 425 | |
157 | amb | 152 | |
158 | |||
159 | -------- | ||
160 | |||
161 | amb | 738 | Copyright 2008-2011 Andrew M. Bishop. |
Name | Value |
cvs:description | Main README file. |