Version 1.4 of Routino released : Xxx Xxx XX 2010

Bug fixes:
  Speed up start/via/stop point search algorithm.
  Improve the error messages by adding operating system error info to them.

  Allow selection of the outputs to generate.
  Added HTML route instructions output.
  GPX route file contains instructions at each waypoint.
  Read in XML file of translated words/phrases for outputs.

  Add --parse-only and --process-only options (for incremental parsing).
  Allow filenames to be specified on command line (default is still stdin).
  Improved the '--help' information to describe all options.

  Removed compiled-in profiles and use profiles loaded from XML file.
  Improved the '--help' information to describe all options.
  Change the name of the --profile-json and --profile-perl options.
  Added options to specify file of translations and language to use.

  Improved the '--help' information to describe all options.

Web Pages
  Combined generic map CSS into one file (not copied in two).
  Much better support for IE6/7/8 with browser detection but not perfect.
  Re-organised and tidied up the Javascript.
  Added button next to waypoints to centre it on map.
  Added button next to waypoints to set as home location (uses browsser cookie).
  Create shorter URLs for custom map (ignore default values).
  Reduced and clarified the amount of editing to customise the Javascript.
  Made it easier to translate by moving text out of Javascript (not visualiser).
  Prepared for translated versions of web page (Apache Multiviews).
  Added option to select language of output.
  Use HTML output from router to get translated instructions.

Version 1.3 of Routino released : Thu Jan 21 2010

Bug fixes:
  Ensure output even if the distance between two adjacent route points is small.
  Correct the determination of waypoints for abbreviated output.
  Check the command line values for filedumper --dump options.
  Made the verbose output consistent between different places.

OSM tagging
  Recognise "designation" tag to determine designated paths.
  Recognise "steps" tag to determine the highway type.
  Recognise "wheelchair" tag to determine if wheelchairs are allowed on highway.
  Recognise "moped" tag to determine if mopeds are allowed on a highway.
  Recognise "surface" and "paved" tags to determine if a highway is paved.
  Recognise "lanes" tag to determine if a highway has multiple lanes.
  Recognise "bridge" tag to determine if a highway is a bridge.
  Recognise "tunnel" tag to determine if a highway is a tunnel.

New Features
  Remove "bridleway" and "footway" highway types and use "path" highway instead.
  Added "steps" as a new highway type separate from the "path" type.
  Added "wheelchair" and "moped" to the list of possible transports.
  Added "paved", "multilane", "bridge", "tunnel" to list of highway properties.

Web Pages
  Updated for new features listed above.
  Added popup to display instructions for each step in route on mouse-over.
  Added buttons next to waypoints for: add / remove / move up / move down.
  Highlight user selectable parts of form in yellow on mouse-over.
  A few small changes, improved CSS, improved Javascript.

  For each waypoint choose closest point on a segment and not just closest node.
  Added the ability to set preferences based on highway properties.
  Changed the text output formats to include bearing and turn information.

Version 1.2 of Routino released : Wed Oct 21 2009

OSM tagging
  Recognise tags "vehicle" and "motor_vehicle".
  Handle duplicate ways in the input OSM file (e.g. concatenation of 2 files).

  Identical ways are combined to reduce database size (~80% fewer ways stored).

  Fix weight, height, width, length restriction routing.
  Allow up to 99 waypoints to be specified instead of 9.

  Don't display speed limits for tracks and paths unless a value is set.
  Draw all super-segments that cross the selected boundary.

Web Pages
  A few small changes, improved CSS, improved Javascript.
  Changed marker colour when waypoint not selected.

  Optional slim mode uses minimal memory at the expense of temporary files.

  Less CPU time for routing (~30% less).

  Allow dumping individual nodes, segments and ways (for debug).

Version 1.1 of Routino released : Sat Jun 13 2009

  Improve parsing of OSM file (imperial units).
  Ignore nodes that are missing from the input OSM file.

  Create GPX route files as well as GPX track files.
  Read in an optional copyright.txt file and include contents in output.
  Make better choices about what to output in the abbreviated text file.

  Allow generating a route with intermediate waypoints.
  Use preferences for highway types instead of yes/no choice.
  Choice of closest node to start/finish points ensures transport allowed.

  Added data extraction function for viewing routing database data.

Web Pages
  Include full set of web pages for creating customised online router.

  Included NEWS.txt file.
  Included documentation for installation of web pages.

Version 1.0 of Routino released : Wed Apr 08 2009

First version.