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Fri Jul 12 15:04:56 2013 UTC (11 years, 8 months ago) by amb
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Update the algorithm documentation with a description of the algorithm used for
finding the shortest path.

1 Routino : Algorithm
2 ===================
5 This page describes the development of the algorithm that is used in
6 Routino for finding routes.
9 Simplest Algorithm
10 ------------------
12 The algorithm to find a route is fundamentally simple: Start at the
13 beginning, follow all possible routes and keep going until you reach
14 the end.
16 While this method does work, it isn't fast. To be able to find a route
17 quickly needs a different algorithm, one that can find the correct
18 answer without wasting time on routes that lead nowhere.
21 Improved Algorithm
22 ------------------
24 The simplest way to do this is to follow all possible segments from the
25 starting node to the next nearest node (an intermediate node in the
26 complete journey). For each node that is reached store the shortest
27 route from the starting node and the length of that route. The list of
28 intermediate nodes needs to be maintained in order of shortest overall
29 route on the assumption that there is a straight line route from here
30 to the end node.
31 At each point the intermediate node that has the shortest potential
32 overall journey time is processed before any other node. From the first
33 node in the list follow all possible segments and place the newly
34 discovered nodes into the same list ordered in the same way. This will
35 tend to constrain the list of nodes examined to be the ones that are
36 between the start and end nodes. If at any point you reach a node that
37 has already been reached by a longer route then you can discard that
38 route since the newly discovered route is shorter. Conversely if the
39 previously discovered route is shorter then discard the new route.
40 At some point the end node will be reached and then any routes with
41 potential lengths longer than this actual route can be immediately
42 discarded. The few remaining potential routes must be continued until
43 they are found to be shorter or have no possibility of being shorter.
44 The shortest possible route is then found.
46 At all times when looking at a node only those segments that are
47 possible by the chosen means of transport are followed. This allows the
48 type of transport to be handled easily. When finding the quickest route
49 the same rules apply except that the criterion for sorting is the
50 shortest potential route (assuming that from each node to the end is
51 the fastest possible type of highway).
53 This method also works, but again it isn't very fast. The problem is
54 that the complexity is proportional to the number of nodes or segments
55 in all routes examined between the start and end nodes. Maintaining the
56 list of intermediate nodes in order is the most complex part.
59 Final Algorithm
60 ---------------
62 The final algorithm that is implemented in the router is basically the
63 one above but with an important difference. Instead of finding a long
64 route among a data set of 8,000,000 nodes (number of highway nodes in
65 UK at beginning of 2010) it finds one long route in a data set of
66 1,000,000 nodes and a few hundred very short routes in the full data
67 set. Since the time taken to find a route is proportional to the number
68 of nodes that need to be considered the main route takes 1/10th of the
69 time and the very short routes take almost no time at all.
71 The solution to making the algorithm fast is therefore to discard most
72 of the nodes and only keep the interesting ones. In this case a node is
73 deemed to be interesting if it is the junction of three or more
74 segments or the junction of two segments with different properties or
75 has a routing restriction different from the connecting segments. In
76 the algorithm and following description these are classed as
77 super-nodes. Starting at each super-node a super-segment is generated
78 that finishes on another super-node and contains the shortest path
79 along segments with identical properties (and these properties are
80 inherited by the super-segment). The point of choosing the shortest
81 route is that since all segments considered have identical properties
82 they will be treated identically when properties are taken into
83 account. This decision making process can be repeated until the only
84 the most important and interesting nodes remain.
86 To find a route between a start and finish point now comprises the
87 following steps (assuming a shortest route is required):
89 1. Find all shortest routes from the start point along normal segments
90 and stopping when super-nodes are reached.
91 2. Find all shortest routes from the end point backwards along normal
92 segments and stopping when super-nodes are reached.
93 3. Find the shortest route along super-segments from the set of
94 super-nodes in step 1 to the set of super-nodes in step 2 (taking
95 into account the lengths found in steps 1 and 2 between the
96 start/finish super-nodes and the ultimate start/finish point).
97 4. For each super-segment in step 3 find the shortest route between
98 the two end-point super-nodes.
100 This multi-step process is considerably quicker than using all nodes
101 but gives a result that still contains the full list of nodes that are
102 visited. There are some special cases though, for example very short
103 routes that do not pass through any super-nodes, or routes that start
104 or finish on a super-node. In these cases one or more of the steps
105 listed can be removed or simplified.
107 When the first route reaches the final node the length of that route is
108 retained as a benchmark. Any shorter complete route that is calculated
109 later would replace this benchmark. As routes are tested any partial
110 routes that are longer than the benchmark can be immediately discarded.
111 Other partial routes have the length of a perfect straight highway to
112 the final node added to them and if the total exceeds the benchmark
113 they can also be discarded. Very quickly the number of possible routes
114 is reduced until the absolute shortest is found.
116 For routes that do not start or finish on a node in the original data
117 set a fake node is added to an existing segment. This requires special
118 handling in the algorithm but it gives mode flexibility for the start,
119 finish and intermediate points in a route.
121 Algorithm Evolution
122 - - - - - - - - - -
124 In Routino versions 1.0 to 1.4 the algorithm used to select a
125 super-node was the same as above except that node properties were not
126 included. Routino versions 1.4.1 to 1.5.1 used a slightly different
127 algorithm which only chose nodes that were junctions between segments
128 with different properties (or has a routing restriction that is
129 different from connecting segments in versions 1.5 and 1.5.1). The
130 addition of turn restrictions (described in more detail below) requires
131 the original algorithm since the super-segments more accurately reflect
132 the underlying topology.
134 Algorithm Implementation
135 - - - - - - - - - - - -
137 The algorithm that is used for finding the route between the
138 super-nodes using super-segments is the A* algorithm (or a slight
139 variation of it). This was not a deliberate design decision, but
140 evolved into it during development. This algorithm relies on
141 calculating the lowest score (shortest distance or quickest time) to
142 each node from the starting node. The remaining score for the path to
143 the destination node is estimated (based on a straight line using the
144 fastest type of highway) and added to the current score and the result
145 recorded. At each step the unvisited node that has the lowest current
146 score is examined and all nodes connected to it have their scores
147 calculated. When the destination node has been reached all remaining
148 unvisited nodes with scores higher than the destination node's score
149 can be discarded and the few remaining nodes examined.
151 The algorithm used to find the route between super-nodes using normal
152 segments is Dijkstra's algorithm (although it is implemented as the
153 same algorithm as above but with no estimated cost). Since these routes
154 tend to be short and the CPU time for calculating the heuristic cost
155 function is relatively large this tends to give a quicker solution.
158 Routing Preferences
159 -------------------
161 One of the important features of Routino is the ability to select a
162 route that is optimum for a set of criteria such as preferences for
163 each type of highway, speed limits and other restrictions and highway
164 properties.
166 All of these features are handled by assigning a score to each segment
167 while calculating the route and trying to minimise the score rather
168 than simply minimising the length.
170 Segment length
171 When calculating the shortest route the length of the segment is
172 the starting point for the score.
174 Speed preference
175 When calculating the quickest route the time taken calculated
176 from the length of the segment and the lower of the highway's
177 own speed limit and the user's speed preference for the type of
178 highway is the starting point for the score.
180 One-way restriction
181 If a highway has the one-way property in the opposite direction
182 to the desired travel and the user's preference is to obey
183 one-way restrictions then the segment is ignored.
185 Weight, height, width & length limits
186 If a highway has one of these limits and its value is less than
187 the user's specified requirement then the segment is ignored.
189 Highway preference
190 The highway preference specified by the user is a percentage,
191 these are scaled so that the most preferred highway type has a
192 weighted preference of 1.0 (0% always has a weighted preference
193 of 0.0). The calculated score for a segment is divided by this
194 weighted preference.
196 Highway properties
197 The other highway properties are specified by the user as a
198 percentage and each highway either has that property or not. The
199 user's property preference is scaled into the range 0.0 (for 0%)
200 to 1.0 (for 100%) to give a weighted preference, a second
201 "non-property" weighted preference is calculated in the same way
202 after subtracting the user's preference from 100%. If a segment
203 has a particular property then the calculated score is divided
204 by the weighted preference for that property, if not then it is
205 divided by the non-property weighted preference. A non-linear
206 transformation is applied so that changing property preferences
207 close to 50% do not cause large variations in routes.
210 Data Pruning
211 ------------
213 From version 2.2 there are options to "prune" nodes and segments from
214 the input data which means to remove nodes and/or segments without
215 significantly changing the routing results.
217 The pruning options must meet a number of conditions to be useful:
218 * The topology relevant to routing must remain unchanged. The
219 instructions that are produced from the reduced set of nodes and
220 segments must be sufficiently accurate for anybody trying to follow
221 them on the ground.
222 * Any restrictions belonging to nodes or segments that stop certain
223 types of traffic from following a particular highway must be
224 preserved.
225 * The total length must be calculated using the original data and not
226 the simplified data which by its nature will typically be shorter.
227 * The location of the remaining nodes and segments must be a good
228 representation of the original nodes and segments. Since the
229 calculated route may be displayed on a map the remaining nodes and
230 segments must clearly indicate the route to take.
232 The prune options all have user-controllable parameters which allow the
233 geographical accuracy to be controlled. This means that although the
234 topology is the same the geographical accuracy can be sacrificed
235 slightly to minimise the number of nodes and segments.
237 The pruning options that are available are:
238 * Removing the access permissions for a transport type from segments
239 if it is not possible to route that transport type from those
240 segments to a significant number of other places. The limit on the
241 pruning is set by the total length of the isolated group of
242 segments. This significantly increases the chance that a route will
243 be found by not putting waypoints in inaccessible places.
244 * Removing short segments, the limit is set by the length of the
245 segment. This removes a number of redundant segments (and
246 associated nodes) but rules are applied to ensure that removing the
247 segments does not alter junction topology or remove node access
248 permissions or changes in way properties.
249 * Removing nodes from almost straight highways, the limit is set by
250 the distance between the remaining segments and the original nodes.
251 This removes a large number of redundant nodes (and therefore
252 segments) but again care is taken not to remove node access
253 permissions or changes in way properties.
256 Turn Restrictions
257 -----------------
259 The addition of turn restrictions in version 2.0 adds a set of further
260 complications because it introduces a set of constraints that are far
261 more complex than one-way streets.
263 A turn restriction in the simplest case is a combination of a segment,
264 node and segment such that routes are not allowed to go from the first
265 segment to the second one through the specified node. Exceptions for
266 certain types of traffic can also be specified. Currently only this
267 simplest type of turn restriction is handled by the algorithm.
269 The first complication of turn restrictions is that the algorithm above
270 requires that super-segments are composed of segments with identical
271 properties. A turn restriction is not the same in both directions so a
272 super-segment cannot include any route through that turn restriction.
273 The node at the centre of the turn restriction must therefore be a
274 super-node to avoid this. In addition to this all nodes connected to
275 the turn restriction node by a single segment must also be super-nodes
276 to avoid any long-distance super-segments starting at the restricted
277 node.
279 The second complication of a turn restriction is that the optimum route
280 may require passing through the same node more than once. This can
281 happen where the route needs to work around a turn restriction by
282 driving past it, turning round (on a roundabout perhaps) and coming
283 back along the same highway. Without turn restrictions a route could be
284 defined purely by the set of nodes that were passed; no node would
285 exist more than once along a route between two points. With turn
286 restrictions the route is defined by a node and the segment used to get
287 there; no route between two points will ever need to follow the same
288 segment in the same direction more than once. This means that the
289 optimisation algorithm calculates scores for directed segments (indexed
290 by segment and end node) rather than for nodes.
292 A side-effect of this is that a route that works around a turn
293 restriction must be calculable using the super-segments that are stored
294 in the database. This puts a limit on the amount of database
295 optimisation that can be performed because if too many super-segments
296 are removed the optimum work-around may also be removed. The solution
297 to this is to ensure that the database preserves all loops that can be
298 used to turn around and reverse direction, previously super-segments
299 that started and finished on the same super-node were disallowed.
301 Another side-effect of having the route composed of a set of locations
302 (nodes) as well as the direction of travel (segments used to reach
303 them) is that via points in the route can be forced to continue in the
304 original direction. If the chosen method of transport obeys turn
305 restrictions then it will not reverse direction at a via point but will
306 find an optimum route continuing in the same direction. The only
307 exception to this is when the route ahead at a waypoint is into a
308 dead-end and an immediate U-turn is allowed.
310 A side-effect of having the starting direction at a via point defined
311 by the previous part of the route is that overall non-optimal routes
312 may be found even though each section between via points is optimal.
313 For a route with a start, middle and end point defined it can be the
314 case that the shortest route from the start to the middle arrives in
315 the opposite direction to that required for the optimal route from the
316 middle to the end. The calculation of the route in separate sections
317 therefore may give a non-optimum result even though each section is
318 itself optimum based on the start conditions.
320 Overall the presence of turn restrictions in the database makes the
321 routing slower even for regions of the map that have no turn
322 restrictions.
325 Data Implementation
326 -------------------
328 The hardest part of implementing this router is the data organisation.
329 The arrangement of the data to minimise the number of operations
330 required to follow a route from one node to another is much harder than
331 designing the algorithm itself.
333 The final implementation uses a separate table for nodes, segments and
334 ways. Each table individually is implemented as a C-language data
335 structure that is written to disk by a program which parses the
336 OpenStreetMap XML data file. In the router these data structures are
337 memory mapped so that the operating system handles the problems of
338 loading the needed data blocks from disk.
340 Each node contains a latitude and longitude and they are sorted
341 geographically so that converting a latitude and longitude coordinate
342 to a node is fast as well as looking up the coordinate of a node. The
343 node also contains the location in the array of segments for the first
344 segment that uses that node.
345 Each segment contains the location of the two nodes as well as the way
346 that the segment came from. The location of the next segment that uses
347 one of the two nodes is also stored; the next segment for the other
348 node is the following one in the array. The length of the segment is
349 also pre-computed and stored.
350 Each way has a name, a highway type, a list of allowed types of
351 traffic, a speed limit, any weight, height, width or length
352 restrictions and the highway properties.
354 The super-nodes are mixed in with the nodes and the super-segments are
355 mixed in with the segments. For the nodes they are the same as the
356 normal nodes, so just a flag is needed to indicate that they are super.
357 The super-segments are in addition to the normal segments so they
358 increase the database size (by about 10%) and are also marked with a
359 flag. Some segments are therefore flagged as both normal segments and
360 super-segments if they both have the same end nodes.
362 The relations are stored separately from the nodes, segments and ways.
363 For the turn restriction relations the initial and final segments are
364 stored along with the restricted node itself. Each node that has a turn
365 restriction is marked in the main node storage with a flag to indicate
366 this information.
369 --------
371 Copyright 2008-2013 Andrew M. Bishop.


Name Value
cvs:description Description of the algorithm.