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Index of /branches/libroutino/extras/find-fixme

Files shown:6
Directory revision: 1708 (of 2192)
Sticky Revision:

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
 Parent Directory        
Makefile  1700  9 years  amb   Create a branch for a version that can be compiled into a li…
README.txt  1700  9 years  amb   Create a branch for a version that can be compiled into a li…
fixme-dumper.c  1700  9 years  amb   Create a branch for a version that can be compiled into a li…
fixme-finder.c  1708  9 years  amb   Minimise the number of times that FileName() is called since…
fixme.xml  1700  9 years  amb   Create a branch for a version that can be compiled into a li…
osmparser.c  1700  9 years  amb   Create a branch for a version that can be compiled into a li…
web/  1700  9 years  amb   Create a branch for a version that can be compiled into a li…


Name Value
svn:ignore .deps fixme-dumper-slim fixme-dumper fixme-finder-slim fixme-finder