Routino : Documentation


A good router relies on good data and the OpenStreetMap data is a good source. There are however a number of things that need to be considered about the data used.


In addition to the raw data the way that are tags are used is also important. With Routino the tagging rules are contained in a configuration file and can easily be customised to change the interpretation of each tag.

Program Usage

There are four programs that make up this software, two create the routing database and use the information in it and the other two perform additional functions. Full instructions for using the four programs are provided.

Configuration Files

When the programs are run they read in one or more configuration files. These files contain information about the routing preferences (types of highways, preferred speeds etc), tagging rules and translation information for the outputs.

Output Files

The final result of running the router is one or more output files that contain the calculated route.

Numerical Limits

When processing data there are numerical limits for the range of data identifiers that can be handled and the size of the database.


The algorithm that is used by Routino takes the OpenStreetMap data and creates a local database of the important information for rapid routing.


The Routino source code comes with a set of files that can be used to create a working server very easily. The full information about installation describes how to compile the programs and install them.