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Contents of /branches/destination-access/web/translations/translation.en.txt
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Revision Log
Revision 1660 -
(show annotations)
Sat May 16 17:53:28 2015 UTC (9 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 14858 byte(s)
Sat May 16 17:53:28 2015 UTC (9 years, 10 months ago) by amb
File MIME type: text/plain
File size: 14858 byte(s)
Merge changes from trunk for drag and drop of waypoints on web pages.
1 | # |
2 | # English language translation phrases |
3 | # |
4 | |
5 | # |
6 | # Router output XML definition |
7 | # |
8 | |
9 | %%copyright_creator_string%% Creator |
10 | %%copyright_source_string%% Source |
11 | %%copyright_source_text%% Based on OpenStreetMap data from |
12 | %%copyright_license_string%% License |
13 | |
14 | %%turn_-4%% Very sharp left |
15 | %%turn_-3%% Sharp left |
16 | %%turn_-2%% Left |
17 | %%turn_-1%% Slight left |
18 | %%turn_0%% Straight on |
19 | %%turn_1%% Slight right |
20 | %%turn_2%% Right |
21 | %%turn_3%% Sharp right |
22 | %%turn_4%% Very sharp right |
23 | |
24 | %%heading_-4%% South |
25 | %%heading_-3%% South-West |
26 | %%heading_-2%% West |
27 | %%heading_-1%% North-West |
28 | %%heading_0%% North |
29 | %%heading_1%% North-East |
30 | %%heading_2%% East |
31 | %%heading_3%% South-East |
32 | %%heading_4%% South |
33 | |
34 | %%ordinal_1%% First |
35 | %%ordinal_2%% Second |
36 | %%ordinal_3%% Third |
37 | %%ordinal_4%% Fourth |
38 | %%ordinal_5%% Fifth |
39 | %%ordinal_6%% Sixth |
40 | %%ordinal_7%% Seventh |
41 | %%ordinal_8%% Eighth |
42 | %%ordinal_9%% Ninth |
43 | %%ordinal_10%% Tenth |
44 | |
45 | %%highway_motorway%% motorway |
46 | %%highway_trunk%% trunk road |
47 | %%highway_primary%% primary road |
48 | %%highway_secondary%% secondary road |
49 | %%highway_tertiary%% tertiary road |
50 | %%highway_unclassified%% unclassified road |
51 | %%highway_residential%% residential road |
52 | %%highway_service%% service road |
53 | %%highway_track%% track |
54 | %%highway_cycleway%% cycleway |
55 | %%highway_path%% path |
56 | %%highway_steps%% steps |
57 | %%highway_ferry%% ferry |
58 | |
59 | %%route_shortest%% Shortest |
60 | %%route_quickest%% Quickest |
61 | |
62 | %%output-html_waypoint_waypoint%% Waypoint |
63 | %%output-html_waypoint_junction%% Junction |
64 | %%output-html_waypoint_roundabout%% Roundabout |
65 | %%output-html_title%% %s Route |
66 | %%output-html_start_string%% Start |
67 | %%output-html_start_text%% At %s, head %s |
68 | %%output-html_node_string%% At |
69 | %%output-html_node_text%% %s, go %s heading %s |
70 | %%output-html_rbnode_string%% Leave |
71 | %%output-html_rbnode_text%% %s, take the %s exit heading %s |
72 | %%output-html_segment_string%% Follow |
73 | %%output-html_segment_text%% %s for %.3f km, %.1f min |
74 | %%output-html_stop_string%% Stop |
75 | %%output-html_stop_text%% At %s |
76 | %%output-html_total_string%% Total |
77 | %%output-html_total_text%% %.1f km, %.0f minutes |
78 | |
79 | %%output-gpx_waypoint_start%% START |
80 | %%output-gpx_waypoint_inter%% INTER |
81 | %%output-gpx_waypoint_trip%% TRIP |
82 | %%output-gpx_waypoint_finish%% FINISH |
83 | |
84 | %%output-gpx_desc%% %s route between 'start' and 'finish' waypoints |
85 | %%output-gpx_name%% %s route |
86 | %%output-gpx_step%% %s on '%s' for %.3f km, %.1f min |
87 | %%output-gpx_final%% Total Journey %.1f km, %.0f minutes |
88 | |
89 | # |
90 | # Router (and some shared) translations |
91 | # |
92 | |
93 | @@LANGUAGE@@ English |
94 | @@LANGUAGE-WEBPAGE@@ English language webpage |
95 | |
96 | @@ROUTER-TITLE@@ Route Planner for OpenStreetMap Data |
97 | |
98 | @@OPTION-TAB@@ Options |
99 | @@OPTION-TAB-HELP@@ Set routing options |
100 | |
101 | @@RESULTS-TAB@@ Results |
102 | @@RESULTS-TAB-HELP@@ See routing results |
103 | |
104 | @@DATA-TAB@@ Data |
105 | @@DATA-TAB-HELP@@ View database information |
106 | |
107 | @@ROUTINO-ROUTER@@ Routino OpenStreetMap Router |
108 | @@ROUTINO-WEBSITE@@ Routino Website |
109 | @@DOCUMENTATION@@ Documentation |
110 | |
111 | @@LANGUAGE-BOX@@ Language |
112 | @@WAYPOINTS-BOX@@ Waypoints |
113 | @@TRANSPORT-TYPE-BOX@@ Transport Type |
114 | @@HIGHWAY-PREFERENCES-BOX@@ Highway Preferences |
115 | @@SPEED-LIMITS-BOX@@ Speed Limits |
116 | @@PROPERTY-PREFERENCES-BOX@@ Property Preferences |
117 | @@OTHER-RESTRICTIONS-BOX@@ Other Restrictions |
118 | @@FIND-BOX@@ Find |
119 | @@LINKS-BOX@@ Links |
120 | @@HELP-BOX@@ Help |
121 | |
122 | @@STATUS-BOX@@ Status |
123 | @@SHORTEST-ROUTE@@ Shortest Route |
124 | @@QUICKEST-ROUTE@@ Quickest Route |
125 | |
126 | @@STATISTICS-BOX@@ Routino Statistics |
127 | @@VISUALISER-BOX@@ Routino Visualiser |
128 | |
129 | @@WAYPOINT-POSITION@@ Waypoint XXX Position |
130 | @@WAYPOINT-LONGITUDE@@ Waypoint XXX Longitude |
131 | @@WAYPOINT-LATITUDE@@ Waypoint XXX Latitude |
132 | @@WAYPOINT-LOCATION@@ Waypoint XXX Location |
133 | @@WAYPOINT-SEARCH@@ Search for location |
134 | @@WAYPOINT-GET@@ Get current location |
135 | @@WAYPOINT-CENTRE1@@ Centre map on this waypoint |
136 | @@WAYPOINT-UP@@ Move this waypoint up |
137 | @@WAYPOINT-ADD@@ Add waypoint after this one |
138 | @@WAYPOINT-COORDS@@ Coordinates for location |
139 | @@WAYPOINT-HOME@@ Toggle as home location |
140 | @@WAYPOINT-CENTRE2@@ Centre this waypoint on map |
141 | @@WAYPOINT-DOWN@@ Move this waypoint down |
142 | @@WAYPOINT-REMOVE@@ Remove this waypoint |
143 | @@WAYPOINT-REVERSE@@ Reverse order of waypoints |
144 | @@WAYPOINT-REVERSE-BUTTON@@ Reverse order |
145 | @@WAYPOINT-LOOP@@ Add a new waypoint to make a loop |
146 | @@WAYPOINT-LOOP-BUTTON@@ Close loop |
147 | |
148 | @@TRANSPORT-FOOT@@ Foot |
149 | @@TRANSPORT-HORSE@@ Horse |
150 | @@TRANSPORT-WHEELCHAIR@@ Wheelchair |
151 | @@TRANSPORT-BICYCLE@@ Bicycle |
152 | @@TRANSPORT-MOPED@@ Moped |
153 | @@TRANSPORT-MOTORCYCLE@@ Motorcycle |
154 | @@TRANSPORT-MOTORCAR@@ Motorcar |
155 | @@TRANSPORT-GOODS@@ Goods |
158 | |
159 | @@HIGHWAY-MOTORWAY@@ Motorway |
160 | @@HIGHWAY-TRUNK@@ Trunk |
161 | @@HIGHWAY-PRIMARY@@ Primary |
162 | @@HIGHWAY-SECONDARY@@ Secondary |
163 | @@HIGHWAY-TERTIARY@@ Tertiary |
164 | @@HIGHWAY-UNCLASSIFIED@@ Unclassified |
165 | @@HIGHWAY-RESIDENTIAL@@ Residential |
166 | @@HIGHWAY-SERVICE@@ Service |
167 | @@HIGHWAY-TRACK@@ Track |
168 | @@HIGHWAY-CYCLEWAY@@ Cycleway |
169 | @@HIGHWAY-PATH@@ Path |
170 | @@HIGHWAY-STEPS@@ Steps |
171 | @@HIGHWAY-FERRY@@ Ferry |
172 | |
173 | @@PROPERTY-PAVED@@ Paved |
174 | @@PROPERTY-MULTILANE@@ Multiple Lanes |
175 | @@PROPERTY-BRIDGE@@ Bridge |
176 | @@PROPERTY-TUNNEL@@ Tunnel |
177 | @@PROPERTY-WALKINGROUTE@@ Walking Route |
178 | @@PROPERTY-BICYCLEROUTE@@ Bicycle Route |
179 | |
180 | @@RESTRICT-ONEWAY@@ Obey oneway streets |
181 | @@RESTRICT-TURNS@@ Obey turn restrictions |
182 | @@RESTRICT-WEIGHT@@ Weight |
183 | @@RESTRICT-HEIGHT@@ Height |
184 | @@RESTRICT-WIDTH@@ Width |
185 | @@RESTRICT-LENGTH@@ Length |
186 | |
187 | @@FIND-SHORTEST-ROUTE@@ Find shortest route |
188 | @@FIND-QUICKEST-ROUTE@@ Find quickest route |
189 | |
190 | @@MAP-VIEW-LINK@@ Link to this map view |
191 | @@EDIT-OSM-DATA@@ Edit this OSM data |
192 | |
193 | @@ROUTER-NOT-RUN@@ Router not run |
194 | @@ROUTER-RUNNING@@ Router running... |
195 | @@ROUTER-COMPLETED@@ Routing completed |
196 | @@ROUTER-ERROR@@ Router error |
197 | @@ROUTER-FAILED@@ Router failed to run |
198 | @@VIEW-DETAILS@@ View Details |
199 | |
200 | @@NO-INFORMATION@@ No Information |
201 | @@HTML-ROUTE@@ HTML directions |
202 | @@GPX-TRACK-ROUTE@@ GPX track file |
203 | @@GPX-ROUTE@@ GPX route file |
204 | @@FULL-TEXT-ROUTE@@ Full text file |
205 | @@TEXT-ROUTE@@ Text file |
206 | @@OPEN-POPUP@@ Open Popup |
207 | |
208 | @@DISPLAY-STATISTICS@@ Display data statistics |
209 | |
210 | @@JAVASCRIPT-REQUIRED@@ Javascript is <em>required</em> to use this web page because of the interactive map. |
211 | @@ROUTER@@ Router |
212 | @@GEO-DATA@@ Geo Data |
213 | @@TILES@@ Tiles |
214 | |
215 | # |
216 | # Visualiser specific translations |
217 | # |
218 | |
219 | @@VISUALISER-TITLE@@ Data Visualiser for Routing Data |
220 | |
221 | @@INSTRUCTIONS-BOX@@ Instructions |
222 | @@ROUTER-BOX@@ Routino Router |
223 | |
224 | @@NO-DATA-DISPLAYED@@ No data displayed |
225 | |
226 | @@VISUALISER-FAILED@@ Failed to get visualiser data! |
227 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-JUNCTIONS@@ Processed # junctions |
228 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-SUPER@@ Processed # super-nodes/segments |
229 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-WAYTYPE@@ Processed # way type segments |
230 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-SEGMENTS@@ Processed # segments |
231 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-NODES@@ Processed # nodes |
232 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-TURNS@@ Processed # turn restrictions |
233 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-LIMITS@@ Processed # limit changes |
234 | @@VISUALISER-NUM-ERRORS@@ Processed # error logs |
235 | |
236 | @@JUNCTIONS-BUTTON@@ Display Junctions |
237 | $$JUNCTIONS-INFO$$ |
238 | Each node that is a dead-end, a junction of two highways of different |
239 | types (or different properties) or a junction where more than two segments |
240 | join are shown colour-coded. |
241 | $$JUNCTIONS-INFO$$ |
242 | @@JUNCTIONS-1@@ only one highway - a dead-end. |
243 | @@JUNCTIONS-2@@ two highways of different types meet. |
244 | @@JUNCTIONS-3@@ three highways meet. |
245 | @@JUNCTIONS-4@@ four highways meet. |
246 | @@JUNCTIONS-5@@ five highways meet. |
247 | @@JUNCTIONS-6@@ six highways meet. |
248 | @@JUNCTIONS-MORE@@ seven (or more) highways meet. |
249 | |
250 | @@SUPER-BUTTON@@ Display Super Segments |
251 | $$SUPER-INFO$$ |
252 | Each super-node and the associated super-segments are shown (see |
253 | algorithm page for description). |
254 | $$SUPER-INFO$$ |
255 | |
256 | @@WAYTYPE-BUTTON@@ Display Way Type Segments |
257 | $$WAYTYPE-INFO$$ |
258 | Each highway segment of special types (one-way, cycle-both-ways and roundabout) are |
259 | shown. For one-way segments a coloured triangle indicates the allowed direction. |
260 | The colours of the triangles depend on the bearing of the highway segment. |
261 | $$WAYTYPE-INFO$$ |
262 | |
263 | @@WAYTYPE-ONEWAY@@ One-way segments |
264 | @@WAYTYPE-CYCLE-BOTH-WAYS@@ Cycle-both-way segments |
265 | @@WAYTYPE-ROUNDABOUT@@ Roundabout segments |
266 | |
267 | @@HIGHWAY-BUTTON@@ Display Highway Segments |
268 | $$HIGHWAY-INFO$$ |
269 | Each segment of the chosen type of highway is drawn. |
270 | $$HIGHWAY-INFO$$ |
271 | |
272 | @@TRANSPORT-BUTTON@@ Display Transport Segments |
273 | $$TRANSPORT-INFO$$ |
274 | Each segment allowed for the chosen type of transport is drawn. |
275 | $$TRANSPORT-INFO$$ |
276 | |
277 | @@DESTINATION-BUTTON@@ Display Destination Segments |
279 | Each segment allowed only for access to waaypoints for the chosen type of transport is drawn. |
281 | |
282 | @@BARRIER-BUTTON@@ Display Barrier Nodes |
283 | $$BARRIER-INFO$$ |
284 | Each barrier blocking the chosen type of transport is drawn. |
285 | $$BARRIER-INFO$$ |
286 | |
287 | @@TURNS-BUTTON@@ Display Turn Restrictions |
288 | $$TURNS-INFO$$ |
289 | Each turn restrictions is shown with a line indicating the disallowed turn. |
290 | $$TURNS-INFO$$ |
291 | |
292 | @@SPEED-BUTTON@@ Display Speed Limits |
293 | $$SPEED-INFO$$ |
294 | Each node that joins segments with different speed limits is shown |
295 | along with the speed limit on relevant segments. |
296 | $$SPEED-INFO$$ |
297 | |
298 | @@LIMIT-CHANGE@@ Change of limit |
299 | @@LIMIT-NONE@@ No specified limit |
300 | @@SPEED-LIMIT-80@@ 80 km/hour speed limit |
301 | |
302 | @@WEIGHT-BUTTON@@ Display Weight Limits |
303 | $$WEIGHT-INFO$$ |
304 | Each node that joins segments with different weight limits is shown |
305 | along with the weight limit on relevant segments. |
306 | $$WEIGHT-INFO$$ |
307 | |
308 | @@WEIGHT-LIMIT-8@@ 8.0 tonnes weight limit |
309 | |
310 | @@HEIGHT-BUTTON@@ Display Height Limits |
311 | $$HEIGHT-INFO$$ |
312 | Each node that joins segments with different height limits is shown |
313 | along with the height limit on relevant segments. |
314 | $$HEIGHT-INFO$$ |
315 | |
316 | @@HEIGHT-LIMIT-4@@ 4.0 m height limit |
317 | |
318 | @@WIDTH-BUTTON@@ Display Width Limits |
319 | $$WIDTH-INFO$$ |
320 | Each node that joins segments with different width limits is shown |
321 | along with the width limit on relevant segments. |
322 | $$WIDTH-INFO$$ |
323 | |
324 | @@WIDTH-LIMIT-3@@ 3.0 m width limit |
325 | |
326 | @@LENGTH-BUTTON@@ Display Length Limits |
327 | $$LENGTH-INFO$$ |
328 | Each node that joins segments with different length limits is shown |
329 | along with the length limit on relevant segments. |
330 | $$LENGTH-INFO$$ |
331 | |
332 | @@LENGTH-LIMIT-9@@ 9.0 m length limit |
333 | |
334 | @@PROPERTY-BUTTON@@ Display Highway Properties |
335 | $$PROPERTY-INFO$$ |
336 | Each segment of the highways with a particular property is drawn. |
337 | $$PROPERTY-INFO$$ |
338 | |
339 | @@ERROR-LOG-BUTTON@@ Display Error Logs |
340 | $$ERROR-LOG-INFO$$ |
341 | Potential problems found by Routino when processing the input data. |
342 | $$ERROR-LOG-INFO$$ |
343 | |
344 | @@CLEAR-DATA-BUTTON@@ Clear data |
345 | |
346 | # |
347 | # Multi-line descriptive translations (router) |
348 | # |
349 | |
350 | $$ROUTER-INFO$$ |
351 | This web page allows routing within the data collected by OpenStreetMap. |
352 | Select start and end points (click on the marker icons below), select routing preferences then find a route. |
353 | $$ROUTER-INFO$$ |
354 | |
356 | <b>Quick Start</b> |
357 | <br> |
358 | Click on marker icons (above) to place them on the map (right). Then |
359 | drag them to the correct position. Zooming the map before placing the |
360 | markers is probably easiest. Alternatively type the latitude and |
361 | longitude into the boxes above. |
362 | <p> |
363 | Select the transport type, allowed highway types, speed limits, highway |
364 | properties and other restrictions from the options above. |
365 | Select "Shortest" or "Quickest" to calculate the route and display it |
366 | on the map. |
367 | <p> |
368 | <b>Waypoints</b> |
369 | <br> |
370 | Clicking on the marker icons will toggle the display of them on the map. |
371 | When a route is calculated it will visit (as close as possible |
372 | for the selected transport type) each of the waypoints that have |
373 | markers on the map in the order given. |
374 | <p> |
375 | <b>Transport Type</b> |
376 | <br> |
377 | Selecting a transport type will restrict the chosen route to |
378 | those on which it is allowed and set default values for the |
379 | other parameters. |
380 | <p> |
381 | <b>Highway Preferences</b> |
382 | <br> |
383 | The highway preference is selected as a percentage and routes are chosen that |
384 | try to follow the preferred highways. |
385 | For example if a "Primary" road is given a "110%" preference and a "Secondary" |
386 | road is given a "100%" preference then it means that a route on a Primary road |
387 | can be up to 10% longer than on a secondary road and still be selected. |
388 | <p> |
389 | <b>Speed Limits</b> |
390 | <br> |
391 | The speed limits chosen here for the different types of highway apply if the |
392 | highway has no other speed limit marked or it is higher than the chosen one. |
393 | <p> |
394 | <b>Property Preferences</b> |
395 | <br> |
396 | The property preference is selected as a percentage and routes are chosen that |
397 | try to follow highways with the preferred property. |
398 | For example if a "Paved" highway is given a "75%" preference then it means that |
399 | an unpaved highway is automatically given a "25%" preference so that a route on |
400 | a paved highway can be 3 times the length of an unpaved one and still be |
401 | selected. |
402 | <p> |
403 | <b>Other Restrictions</b> |
404 | <br> |
405 | These allow a route to be found that avoids marked limits on |
406 | weight, height, width or length. It is also possible to ignore |
407 | one-way restrictions (e.g. if walking). |
409 | |
411 | <b>Quick Start</b> |
412 | <br> |
413 | After calculating a route you can download the GPX file or plain |
414 | text route description (summary or detailed version). Also you |
415 | can view the route description and zoom in to selected parts. |
416 | <p> |
417 | <b>Problem Solving</b> |
418 | <br> |
419 | If the router completes with an error then the most likely cause is |
420 | that it is not possible to find a route between the selected points. |
421 | Moving one or more markers or changing the routing options should |
422 | allow a route to be found. |
423 | <p> |
424 | <b>Output Formats</b> |
425 | <br> |
426 | <dl> |
427 | <dt>HTML instructions |
428 | <dd>A description of the route to take with directions at each |
429 | important junction. |
430 | <dt>GPX track file |
431 | <dd>The same information that is displayed on the map with points |
432 | for every node and lines for every segment. |
433 | <dt>GPX route file |
434 | <dd>The same information that is displayed in text for the route |
435 | with a waypoint for each important junction in the route. |
436 | <dt>Full text file |
437 | <dd>A list of all of the nodes visited as well as the distance |
438 | between them and the cumulative distance for each step of the |
439 | route. |
440 | <dt>Text file |
441 | <dd>The same information that is displayed in text for the route. |
442 | </dl> |
444 | |
446 | To see Routino's view of the data there is a data visualiser that allows |
447 | displaying of the underlying data in various ways. |
449 | |
450 | # |
451 | # Multi-line descriptive translations (visualiser) |
452 | # |
453 | |
455 | This web page allows visualisation of the data that Routino uses for routing. |
456 | Only data relevant for routing is displayed and some will therefore be excluded. |
458 | |
460 | Zoom in and then use the buttons below to download the data. The |
461 | server will only return data if the selected area is small enough. |
463 | |
465 | <b>Quick Start</b> |
466 | <br> |
467 | Zoom to an area and select one of the buttons to display that type of |
468 | data. |
469 | <br> |
470 | More data options can be found by expanding the details below each |
471 | button. |
472 | <p> |
473 | <b>Data Failure</b> |
474 | <br> |
475 | If the area selected is too large (depends on the data type) then the |
476 | status will say "Failed to get visualiser data" - zoom in and try |
477 | again. |
479 | |
481 | To perform routing on the map use the link below. |