## Options for Apache web server for language specific web pages and to run
## Routino CGI scripts.
# For some of the configuration options in this file to be accepted the
# 'AllowOverride' option in the main Apache configuration file must be set to a
# particular value. A suitable value for the 'AllowOverride' option is
# 'Options=MultiViews,ExecCGI FileInfo Limit' which will allow this file to be
# used unmodified. Alternatively the specific option can be commented out from
# this file and set in the main Apache configuration file.
# The translated router pages use the MultiViews option to serve up a version of
# the web page depending on the client language preference.
Options +MultiViews
# The English language option will be served if there is no other version
# present and no errors will be returned to the user in case of problems.
LanguagePriority en
ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback
# The Routino CGI scripts are stored in this directory and use the filename
# extension ".cgi". This filename extension needs to be registered with Apache
# for the scripts to be executed.
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
# The ExecCGI option must be set for the CGIs in this directory to be executed
# by Apache.
Options +ExecCGI
# The CGI scripts that are used by Routino also call some other Perl scripts, to
# stop these scripts from being seen by web users they can be denied by the
# following entry.
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
# The Polish language web page translations will have a '.html.pl' extension for
# the MultiViews option so they must be allowed specifically and not blocked by
# the above prohibition on serving Perl scripts. They must also be served with
# the HTML mime type.
AddType text/html .pl
Allow from all